Example sentences of "[coord] has now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I I had a set a full set of music which I I er er was at the W I hall , and has now gone .
2 The work started with the mapping of Scotland and has now reached northern England .
3 The campaign of Benson & Hedges has evolved remarkably over the past dozen years and has now reached a point at which the motifs chosen to dissemble the product are themselves classic symbols of dissembling — pretty fans for the summer months in 1988 , attractive fishing lures for the autumn .
4 The Evidence ( Procedure in other Jurisdictions ) Bill , which received its Second Reading on 24th January , and has now reached the Committee Stage , sets out a comprehensive code for the taking of evidence by courts in the United Kingdom on behalf of other courts .
5 ENZA New Zealand , jointly skippered by Robin Knox-Johnston and Peter Blake , sailed 474 miles in one 24-hour burst — the highest daily mileage she has managed so far — and has now covered 8,300 miles in the first 24 days , to take 150 miles out of the lead of French challenger Commodore Explorer .
6 Another contender may be the emerging empire of Thaksin Shinawatra , who began by distributing IBM computers in Thailand , set up the country 's first cable-television operation and has now received permission to establish his own cellular-telephone network .
7 Dreamflight was the brainchild of British Airways colleagues Patricia Pearce and Derek Pereira back in 1986 , and has now grown into a ‘ roadshow ’ of 350 adults working around the clock to help ease the physical pain suffered by their young charges .
8 IT started as just another example of the carjacking craze that has swept America and has now hit here .
9 At this point she showed enormous courage by re-assessing her life , and has now struggled through to what she describes as a liberating philosophy of autonomy and self-determination .
10 Her first career as a hairdresser no longer appealed so she took an Options For Change course at the Essex Business Centre and has now completed 30 hours of a counselling course .
11 He has had three previous bans this season , two for careless riding and one for improper riding , and has now lost 18 days through suspension .
12 He has just finished his GCSE 's and has now moved on to ‘ A ’ levels at sixth form .
13 The Board originally offered three years , and has now increased it to five .
14 This company already holds the dominant position in add-on type for the PC and has now announced a product called Facelift that , like ATM , will build screen fonts on-the-fly in Windows 3.0 .
15 The loans are fixed until April 1990 to get over what was at the beginning of the week ‘ the current period of uncertainty ’ and has now become a gloomy fact .
16 The notion of a Single Of The Week started to creep into the NME about 1974 and has now become a staple part of our weekly rock diet .
17 Suburban style housing is intended to do so ; high-rise housing does this in spite of some original radical intentions and has now become , in practice , an important part of the apparatus of reinforcement of traditional domestic norms .
18 PageMaker shipped 30,000 units in its first year and has now become regarded as the benchmark for today 's competitors .
19 As many of you will have noticed from your Q.T. day programme Beryl will not be teaching this year ; for some time she has taken a great interest in the Back Pain Association and has now become involved particularly at weekends in special classes for back-pain sufferers .
20 The first volume of what must eventually be one of the great modern biographies , John Richardson 's book was published last year and has now appeared in paperback .
21 Miller separated photosynthesis membranes from the purple bacterium , Rhodopseudomonas viridis , and has now determined their 3-D structure by electron microscopy .
22 Volkswagen , which helped develop the smaller Eurobag specifically for smaller cars , introduced the Eurobag as optional equipment on the Golf last year and has now made it available on the Passat saloon as well .
23 McLeod put an offer to the Wheway board and has now made it public in order to get a quick resolution .
24 But NCR persisted , and has now ported the system beyond its own Intel-based 3000 Series hardware onto four more platforms .
25 In Durham , Brian Roberts has been studying village plans and has now extended his research to other northern counties , as well as looking at England 's village plans generally .
26 He 's the first Gloucester player to score a hat trick this season and has now scored over 2,300 points for the first team .
27 Even affable John , one of nature 's gentlemen , can only take so much and has now stopped being polite because when the police recognize him , as they do , they seem to take a particular delight in grilling someone famous .
28 Between 1870 and 1930 average completed family size decreased from five or six children to three and has now stabilized at about two .
29 Mighty Mogul only broke his duck at Towcester in January , but has not stopped improving and has now won five times from five starts following a close-season transfer from Jenny Pitman 's yard .
30 Among those who received awards yesterday was Claire Metcalfe , 15 , of Thornaby , who has been practicing judo since she was five and has now won a place in the national team .
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