Example sentences of "[coord] if [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The water hawthorn , Aponogeton distachyus , will grow if sown straight away or if kept until the following year , but loses its viability if allowed to dry out completely .
2 Any spreadsheet files sent in DIF format to InteCalc will be converted to its own internal format or if destined for an external program they will be sent as text .
3 pungently aromatic , unpleasantly so in quantity or if grown in cool conditions
4 Essential information conveyed in this way may be denied completely to blind students , or if converted to simple raised lines may become confused and meaningless .
5 Cystoids ( class Cystoidea ) are even odder animals : often rather irregular bags of calcite plates , or if composed of a few plates these may carry powerful ribbing .
6 If used frequently , or if used in conjunction with the soliloquy , this mode of direct presentation brings us into closer contact with that person , so that we in part share his or her hopes and fears , become more closely involved with their desire to control the world .
7 They will only get help if they can not easily realise savings of the person who died to pay for the bill , or if paying for the bill brought their own family savings below £500 .
8 An unkempt coat will provide a refuge for parasites , and if soiled with faecal matter is likely to attract flies .
9 Sceptical doubts about objectivity make good sense within a practice ; there are objectively correct answers to questions how to go on , and if challenged in a particular case , we can support our choice by appeal to the rule ( 'Why did you write 20,002 ? ’ 'Because you told me to go on adding 2' ) .
10 ‘ Large Victorian dwellings on major roadways do not provide suitable accommodation for families and if converted into flats they tend to decline rapidly , ’ Mr Warren said .
11 There are some natural phenomena which we generally explain in terms of the workings of their parts , and if asked for a more detailed account , we discuss the relations between smaller and smaller parts .
12 If a response to selection occurs , and if ageing in the original base population were attributable entirely to the presence of more or less age-specific deleterious mutations , then no immediate drop in survival or fertility would be expected to occur earlier in life .
13 Very occasionally he also made designs to be carried out by others — and if acting in an architect 's supervisory capacity only he would charge the 5 per cent fee which was normal at the time — while at Ditchley he was , remarkably , employed as both ‘ surveyor ’ , receiving his 5 per cent , and mason contractor .
14 An extract from the gland is white in colour , but there " will presently appear a pleasant light green colour ; and if placed in the sun it will change into the following colours : light green , deep green , full sea green , watchet blue , purplish red , very-deep purple red " ( Cole , 1685 , quoted by Baker , 1974 ) .
15 Electrostatic paper is even more delicate and if handled with damp hands the image will blur as the silver coating dissolves .
16 The Snotlings will not move until they are able to move within 12″ of a friendly Orc or Goblin unit , and if charged by enemy troops they are automatically broken as if they had failed a panic or fear test .
17 Formulations of definitive tests are always dangerous , but it seems to me that , without claiming to expound an exhaustive guide , the following provides a satisfactory working test for whether , in any given case , a covenant touches and concerns the land : ( 1 ) the covenant benefits only the reversioner for the time being , and if separated from the reversion ceases to be of benefit to the covenantee ; ( 2 ) the covenant affects the nature , quality , mode of user or value of the land of the reversioner ; ( 3 ) the covenant is not expressed to be personal ( that is to say neither being given only to a specific reversioner nor in respect of the obligations only of a specific tenant ) ; ( 4 ) the fact that a covenant is to pay a sum of money will not prevent it from touching and concerning the land so long as the three foregoing conditions are satisfied and the covenant is connected with something to be done on , or to in relation to the land .
18 According to the Prudential , the average dad puts in 20 hours a week working in and around the home , and if employed through an agency , his weekly bill would be £244 .
19 They can not become emotionally involved , and if faced with difficulties they withdraw their interest because their motivation and commitment are often very superficial .
20 Perhaps therefore Edward 's claim was not as strong in principle as has sometimes been suggested , and if accepted in 1328 it might eventually have been subject to challenge by sons born to other Capetian females .
21 Always suffering with a nasal catarrh ; pressing pain in the root of the nose with a chronic catarrh and if exposed to the cold the discharge dries up and a headache begins , ( like in Kali Carbonicum ) , often starting with dim vision .
22 Speaking to venture capitalists , accountants or lawyers about business plans or any other aspect of a buy-out does not amount to working for the business and if done in working hours , may be a breach of service contract .
23 Thomas then proceeds to consider whether a slave ( presumed male ) could be ordained , giving the answer that obviously not while he remains a slave , for slavery can not signify authority , but that slavery is a condition of external fortune , and if freed from his slavery , then he can be ordained .
24 And if given to us as actual temptations , the rather lure of the church , the Reverend Simon Stephen Daedalus SJ , and the lure of the flesh ‘ He closed his eyes , surrendering himself to her body and mind , conscious of nothing in the world but the dark pressure of her softly parting lips ’ .
25 The whole system is believed to be surrounded by streamers and shells of gas , and if seen from close range would be truly fascinating , though from its distance of 300 light-years it appears single in our telescopes .
26 The head of the arrow used with it is usually barbed and if lodged inside the flesh , the shaft is liable to break off .
27 In the warehouses there were still some bales of fine leather and if sold to an honest dealer , they would bring in enough at least to pay off some of her father 's debts .
28 The route would form a significant alternative to the A1 ( and if linked with the A1 upgrading , perhaps Scottish Office money might be available ? ) .
29 Such a selection policy is clearly professionally and publicly unacceptable , from any political grouping , and if pursued over a period of time , will surely replace education with propaganda as one of the purposes of the public library service .
30 The cuckoo flies out to attack — a tiny opponent , but it has a savage peck and if wounded without being destroyed it becomes a frenzied killing machine .
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