Example sentences of "[coord] were [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the men they knew had gone home to Ireland to escape being called up for the forces , but many more were serving in the Army , Navy or Air Force or were at sea with the Merchant Marine .
2 By the early 1970s , well over a hundred such projects had been completed or were in progress : the largest single number in the sciences , but with mathematics , English , and the humanities also scoring high .
3 However , I did n't think that the descriptions of Colin Ward and Sarah Baxter ( ‘ Chip butties and crème de menthe consumed to the accompaniment of the Beautiful South ’ and ‘ The thinking man 's Jaci Stephen ’ ) bore even the slightest relation to the truth , or were in kulcher-babble , come to that .
4 In November 1872 , the Board received an application from Cambridge Medical School for the bodies of paupers who had died in the workhouse , and were without funds or relations , to be sent there for the study of anatomy .
5 They had broken covenant with God by disobeying his laws and were under sentence of death .
6 They swam , they talked , they wrote their diaries and stories , and were at ease in a succession of remote and sticky places .
7 The existing shares took the news well and were at 183p .
8 Sensible , practical and tireless , they got on well together and were beyond praise .
9 Er they get rather sulky and offended to say the least , they get er , often they recruit academics and lawyers to say that the memories of abuse are fabricated , the memories of abuse they could n't really have happened because the people concerned were out of the country at the time and were on holiday anyway and er did n't even meet the family until the kid was eleven years old after it was sup and so on and so forth .
10 Not handsome , but nice-looking in a way I had usually rather deprecated , if not despised : not the lean and craggy looks that I had always admired , but a blunt-featured face with a wide mouth , dark eyes tilted slightly down at the outer corners , and an untidy thatch of brown hair of which a couple of locks fell over a broad forehead , and were from time to time irritably brushed back .
11 But when I got halfway , I had to get off my bike : the roads had frozen and were like glass .
12 Althusserians subsequently placed much emphasis upon the ‘ epistemological break ’ , and were in turn castigated for being unable to explain how it occurred .
13 The groups of figures remain in their fixed poses with little variation into Roman mythological scenes , and were in turn copied by provincial craftsmen , including potters , even in Britain .
14 Sukarno also mediated at Semarang where pemuda extremists attacked the Japanese garrison and were in turn attacked , losing an estimated 2000 in six days .
15 However , when the question of dropping the old title was brought up , many people protested strongly and were in favour of retaining Black Hats versus White Hats .
16 On the uniformitarian side , in my glorious over-simplification , were the Whigs or Liberals who sought to dispute the absolute rule of a monarchy as the natural state of affairs and were in favour of majority rule .
17 They were made in silver , Sheffield plate or earthenware and were in vogue from the mid-18th century until about 1820 .
18 Lochhead 's script is a joy , depicting through its energetic vernacular dialogue the texture of small-town Scottish life in the period , when girls carried bottles of Evening in Paris in their knickers and were in love with Montgomery Clift ; when the pictures cost 1/9d and the Locarno Ballroom on Sauchiehall Street was the place to be on a Saturday night , while at home fathers sat taciturn in armchairs , not listening to their wives .
19 But Martin 's two posts ( oboe and musette ) and Jacques 's ( flute and oboe ) , in addition to the instruments they owned , suggest that each played more than one of the above named instruments during an opera performance ( a common practice today for theatre orchestra musicians ) , and were in addition skilled players of stringed instruments .
20 Group 1 , as we have seen , had cleared the south coast villages and were in positions on the south side of the town .
21 The two students come from Witham 's twin town , Waldbrol , and were in Britain on an exchange scheme organised by the local Rickstones School .
22 Kryuchkov affirmed the high priority being given by the KGB to combating black-marketeering and organized crime , but not before he had alleged that certain forces were engaged in " economic sabotage " for political ends and were in league with the criminal underworld .
23 Here again two conflicting conventions grew up and were in use at one and the same time in the medieval England of the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
24 Such men were dangerous , and were in danger .
25 They then trailed buoyant Fermanagh by 0–13 to 1–4 and were in danger of not only losing the match but the remnants of their pride and prestige as well .
26 Many young people did not qualify and were in danger of being caught up in crime .
27 He further asserts that during the nineteenth century litigants did not understand the way courts worked and were in awe of their proceedings , and that the intermediaries between litigants and justice , lawyers , court officials and petition-drawers , had little sympathy with or understanding for the average Sri Lankan .
28 It is the lower class of constructor , the McDonalds and the Jackie Olivers , who are , and were in Jo'burg , the most intractable .
29 Certainly the date was out by exactly one month , but the report offered no explanation as to the identity of these bodies , whether they were connected with the collision' ( itself not explained ) , or whether at this date they were chanced upon and were in fact those of Leslie and his ‘ stick ’ .
30 Moving at the pace of the infantry , they had not covered any great distance in the interim and were in fact only half a day 's march ahead when Ramsay reached Lockerbie in the Johnstone country .
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