Example sentences of "[coord] she does n't " in BNC.

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1 There is no point in the act giving the manager only 5 per cent and then complaining he or she does n't turn up to their shows .
2 one A&R person might tell another that he or she does n't like the band , and the feeling can spread like wild fire .
3 If he or she does n't act for a number of successful bands , he or she is unlikely to have a thorough understanding of accounting in the music business .
4 Some parents , for example , specialize in threats , notably the counter-productive and fear-provoking ones involving policemen , monsters and kidnappers who will harm or remove the child if he or she does n't comply .
5 If you 're keeping your spouse because you have the assets and he or she does n't , there 's no good leaving nothing to the spouse , unless that spouse is rich in his or her own right Rich in comparative terms , then there may be good reasons not to live him or her anything because you 'd rather leave it to the children .
6 I mean , I say , still again , I do n't know whether she swims or she does n't but nevertheless it 's an invitation out in n it ?
7 That 's why she is a bit nervous ; she would like to be alone with him , without Paul , and she does n't quite know how to arrange it .
8 I know not to expect her to react in the way other dogs do , and she knows that I will look after her and she does n't have to be quite so independent .
9 And she does n't come from a fishing family herself .
10 This means everything is to hand and off the floor and she does n't have to keep going in and out of the stable while she gets her horse ready to ride .
11 And she does n't recognize it through the pat on her bottom ; she recognizes it in my tone .
12 We know the forest and she does n't .
13 Nicole is the sweetest person I 've ever met , and she does n't suffocate me .
14 She explains that her husband is away for the evening and she does n't want to return to an empty house .
15 We had a glimpse of that with ‘ Nothing Compares 2 U ’ ( she cried , we cried too … ) and she does n't staunch the flow ( ‘ Can you really say you 're not in pain , like me ? ’ — ‘ Speech ’ ’ ) Do n't be fooled by the slight swagger of ‘ Why Do n't You Do Right ? ’ , the fragile , breathy innocence of her ‘ Bewitched , Bothered And Bewildered ’ , we 're just warming up to those where's-my-baby-blues of ‘ Black Coffee ’ .
16 Claudia 's English and she does n't like people to be late . ’
17 She 's been nosing around in the regulating office , bet you anything you like she has , and she does n't fool me ! ’
18 And she does n't — at least not for me .
19 She was biting on her lip now as if regretting her words ; then she added , ‘ It is n't every woman that can bear a child , and she does n't look a child-bearer to me .
20 ‘ I have weeks off and she does n't .
21 They went all the way by car and she does n't think they were on the road very long .
22 ‘ Aline 's a born Cassandra , and she does n't like Humber . ’
23 And she does n't have any money .
24 She works in Belstrode Road , and she does n't want to give her address as a squat .
25 No , no , now she does n't know any theatres and she does n't no that 's
26 This is Ginny , and she does n't really like college .
27 And she does n't think it needs improving .
28 Erm the course is too jam-packed and she does n't enjoy it .
29 ‘ But she does n't like money and she does n't like him to like it .
30 Listen , I do n't love Miss Ingram and she does n't love me .
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