Example sentences of "[coord] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She was very sensitive and if she thought people did not like her or she thought her friends were ignoring her she became paranoid . ’
2 Or she thought she meant herself .
3 A wild , violent delight that had intolerable hunger as its other side spasmed through her as the deep , slow throb low down in her slender body became a pounding , yearning ache that must be soothed , or she thought she would die .
4 Where there is a formal announcement of a royal proclamation to dissolve parliament before the special meeting referred to in paragraph ( b ) above has been held the provisions of this section ( other than this paragraph ) shall be suspended and the said Member of Parliament shall be reselected as the prospective parliamentary candidate unless he or she intimated his or her intention to retire in which case the provisions of section ( 4 ) of this clause shall apply .
5 Well , I , I think the local manager would would pass it on if he or she got lots .
6 Unfortunately it would not be possible to ask the victim if he or she enjoyed it .
7 Each person had thought that he or she knew him best and each person had felt he had the right to more sadness than the others .
8 So if someone is mugged , raped , or injured , it is because he or she believed it would happen .
9 It 's the same job as an editor of a publication has to get writers to go along without it all sounding like he wrote it or she wrote it , and the , but a good editor can figure out how to do that and a good writer likes it because it means erm they 'll go together or work better and readers will like it , understand it .
10 . She said when she comes to kiss me good goodnight I let her kiss here but she said I ca n't have her cuddling me or she said I think of him all the time .
11 No , my guess is that he or she hid it somewhere in the undergrowth .
12 Suddenly , she felt impatient with these worn-out illusions and she shrugged them off , casting them aside like old clothes as she had already discarded the dreams she had woven around Simon .
13 It was messy and tragic and Kathleen wanted to cry for her , but the cameras kept rolling and she shrugged it off and carried on .
14 Her skin seemed to glow , and she discovered she only had to smile at the male members of the staff and they were immediately more friendly .
15 She opened it frantically , half wrenching the door off its hinges , and looked down , screaming as the expected room disappeared and she saw nothing except a terrifying precipice and below , lying crashed and sprawled on the rocks , Mark .
16 Anthony 's voice opened Julia 's eyes and she saw her sister-in-law standing in the doorway wearing a most remarkable dress .
17 Ruth was horrified when they went below and she saw their sleeping space .
18 And she saw something else : Michael Stein 's easy , laid-back manner had subtly altered .
19 Marc 's eyes opened a fraction wider and she saw something in his eyes that had n't been there before .
20 Suddenly the dogs scampered off , and she saw them jumping up to greet a dark figure .
21 The light seemed to have brightened , which was odd , and she saw them all like actors on a stage , brightly lit , faces made grotesque and heightened by make-up , every .
22 There 's still folk around here will tell you they never were married at all , but it 's a lie : my Aunt Florrie was char at Registry Office , and she saw them there . ’
23 ‘ I saw her , in the midst of the warriors , and she saw me too , and knew me .
24 But she had no way of signalling to Keith , and she saw him frown ominously .
25 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
26 An old tramp was sitting on a rustic seat in the sunshine a few yards away , and she saw him toss an envelope on to the grass .
27 As he ran she saw the man working the gun into the front of his overalls , and she saw him also , with his free hand , drag the woollen cap back down across his forehead .
28 He watched her climb on to the chair , and she saw him grin at the sight of her sore rump , which she thought must burn as brightly as any beacon .
29 A tantalising wriggle freed her magnificent breasts , and she saw him gawk in wonder at the delicately rounded snow-white globes .
30 ‘ Who ? ’ she said , and she saw him shrug .
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