Example sentences of "[coord] we can [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The status of comedy is crucial to the debate , and we can at least be sure that Kingsley Amis would not object to having his practice compared with Waugh 's , or to being placed with him among the monologists of the Right .
2 But we do know that the most obvious surviving monuments , the stone circles , take that form , and we can at least speculate that they may have performed a similar function .
3 I am very sorry to hear that your husband is dying of cancer and we can at this stage only send you our best wishes and understanding .
4 It is a perfectly valid question , and we can at least write down what we would need to know in order to calculate the answer .
5 They quote an Under Secretary commenting upon informal communications networks : ‘ Some of these people I 've known for twenty-five years and we can of course communicate with each other almost in code . ’
6 I think as far as market is concerned we have sort of taken certain steps as far as the marketing is I mean the computerisation of ticket system gives us a much greater insight on marketing now cos you can actually see what people come to see and we can by the ticket that 's actually sold and we can actually target people direct .
7 But we can with advantage choose co to be a column in the previous iteration to find1 etc. : this will contain mostly x1 , some
8 They are in the mainstream of evolution , and we shall be swept along in the current , but we can at least try to spare the floods .
9 But we can at last find the bed in our room .
10 But we can at least test the logic in computer simulations .
11 But we can at least aim at a code that is capable of being understood by a person of average intelligence and of being understood and applied from the four corners of the document that he is directed to consult .
12 We can not expect to arrive at consensus easily — there are a lot of things which may not seem to fit at all — but we can at least want to find out what is in common before worrying about what appears to contradict .
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