Example sentences of "[coord] they can not " in BNC.

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1 What is not acknowledged is the fact that it is very difficult to tell someone their blood is no good or they can not do the job .
2 Where there are no witnesses or they can not be traced , an admission by the defendant either verbally to the officer dealing with the case ( who would record the admission in his pocket book or accident booklet ) or in writing if he chooses to make a ‘ voluntary ’ statement in accordance with the Codes of Practice .
3 Either human beings can diverge from this pattern , or they can not .
4 This is causing considerable disquiet amongst TEC Board members who do not wish to see long-term plans hijacked by such short-term changes in the demand for national programmes arising from the recession Many employers are reluctant to become involved either because they have a shortage of work or they can not afford the financial contribution expected of them . ’
5 So either grammars ( models of competence ) must make reference to pragmatic information , or they can not include full lexical descriptions of a language .
6 They can not imagine him as a Prime Minister , and they can not imagine that the British public can be persuaded to elect him to that post .
7 People think they can spend them anywhere and they can not . ’
8 ‘ Young people become homeless because they can not get a job and they can not get a job because they have not had a good education . ’
9 N.B. It should be noted that in Austria twin beds often consist of two separate mattresses attached to a single frame or headboard and they can not be separated .
10 The warmer the climate the more they are in evidence , because the living reptiles are ‘ cold blooded ’ ( without their own internal heat regulator ) and they can not successfully live in very cold climates .
11 But they lack the three essentials : they do not evolve , they do not process energy , and they can not be called organisms .
12 But these people are now citizens of Arab states that are at war with Israel and they can not claim possession of this land .
13 The prevention of fire in hospital has had considerable publicity recently via the mass media and patients are more aware of the potential danger , probably partly because in the UK public buildings have been obliged by law to install smoke doors in public corridors — and they can not escape one 's notice !
14 There are about 600 of them , and they can not be traded for commercial purposes .
15 In reality they will do everything in their power to avoid this , because the primary function of their venom is to incapacitate their prey and they can not afford to waste it unless they are driven to extremes .
16 High living is become essential to them , and they can not reconcile themselves to the moderate pay of lawful industry .
17 They say the couple ‘ are fearful that the birth mother 's identity will be discovered and they can not deal with the repurcussions ’ .
18 But I have some sympathy for the institutions ' view that their duty is to their policyholders and they can not be expected to double up as company regulators .
19 The advantages of a DIP system are that images — unlike paper documents — do not have to be physically moved around the office , they occupy much less storage space , and they can not be lost , misfiled or damaged in the way that paper can .
20 Acts like eating , sexual intercourse , and fighting are embedded in a socially shared set of associated symbols , and they can not be isolated from this semantic setting .
21 At the same time the regulators , too , need to know where things have gone wrong and they can not afford to wait the year or eighteen months necessary to conduct an investigation in depth before taking corrective action .
22 And they can not expect the spread between the rates at which they borrow and the rates at which they lend to widen further , helping to pay for these lingering credit problems .
23 He argues that class conflicts and economic crises are built into the way the economic system works , and they can not be avoided .
24 There is no easy solution to the problem this creates for treaty parties : it is to their advantage that a treaty be widely recognised as normative , and they can not deny the application of customary law to a single State .
25 At best they are ‘ stills ’ from a sequence of actions ; and they can not portray anything that goes beyond visual observation .
26 They breathe air and they can not swim .
27 One of these is the fact that the social networks of individuals are like language itself , open-ended and changing , and they can not be precisely delimited for this reason .
28 Putting this point on a more theoretical level , the musical field and the class structure at any given moment , though clearly not unconnected , comprise different ‘ maps ’ of social/cultural space , and they can not be reduced one to the other ( see Williams 1981 ) .
29 Although the numbers of such changes associated with moves are not large , and they can not account for more than a very small part of the differential in unemployment rates between the two groups , the sale of a large proportion of public housing to sitting tenants who are more likely to be employed than the general local authority sector population will have contributed to the increase in the unemployment rate differential referred to earlier .
30 Where the property of A is mixed with that of B which is of substantially the same nature and quality and they can not practicably be separated ( grain in a bin , oil in a tank ) the mixture is owned in common in proportion to the quantity contributed by each and the law is the same whether the mixing is wrongful or by consent .
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