Example sentences of "[coord] they will need " in BNC.

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1 If you are going to double student numbers , then the extra students are going to come from lower-income families and they will need a full grant .
2 He will take on a role as the head of a special unit in a hospital , and they will need to adopt the roles of experts whose help is needed in dealing with a particular patient whose case is causing him great concern .
3 For these purposes teachers will need to keep samples of children 's writing in order to monitor its range and development over the course of a key stage ; and they will need systematic means of recording and appraising the ways in which pupils approach writing tasks , including talking about what they are doing and why .
4 Most doctors are fairly unshockable , and they will need all the facts if they are to make a proper diagnosis .
5 Scatter counting is a fairly sophisticated skill for young children , and they will need lots of help and practice .
6 Not all people who decide to work from home will be lucky enough to have a ready-made office space and they will need to make changes in their accommodation , even if it is only finding a place to keep the computer and the phone .
7 Voluntary organizations will need to demonstrate their willingness to work with people with severe long-term problems if they are going to contribute seriously to the real work of a service , and they will need professional support and training to do this more arduous work .
8 No investigation is needed for the pain in this condition but of course other symptoms may coexist and they will need managing on their own merits .
9 It will be necessary for the management to provide information to the investors , and they will need the consent of the vendor before doing so .
10 And all that let me tell you after Pisa looked so dangerous in the first eight minutes , clearly they 'd come out looking for the early goal themselves , and who was badly fouled by in the early stages and needed attention , he 's the number eight , and the number eleven , who looks as quick as any player I 've seen in ages and ages , they are the two danger men and they will need some marking .
11 WITH the relegation issue in an unpredictable state , Salford 's victory at Widnes proved no more than par for the course yesterday , but they will need radical adjustments in their attacking philosophy if they are to collect further points .
12 Readers interested in doing experiments involving ultrasonics can buy the basic matching transmitters and receivers quite cheaply but they will need to look up or develop the circuits needed to make them work .
13 and the trade union movement , the liberation struggle , when you look at it it gives you great hope in terms of human capacity but they will need other kinds of help in order to reconstruct and let me say this because it is important and I do n't say it with any kind of arrogance we have one kind of miracle occurring in South Africa that people ignore and that is that out of the hell of racism we have produced a leadership which is the strongest leadership in the world against racism .
14 But they will need to be reduced by 80 per cent to reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide in the soil to levels that plants in the SSSIs can cope with , the Council claims .
15 There are relevant stair er Chairman which you can look out of place at the present moment of time but they will need to be addressed at some point in time in the future and therefore one could be forgiven for wanting to prioritise various but in general terms , the strategy that has been er looked at is the progress of St Albans in general , there may be small elements of it and some of these have already touched upon but in general that is no sound strategy er which over a period of time and in the process of that it will be essential to monitor erm the effect of some of the changes as you go forward to see in fact whether the other elements of strategy that were erm put in to that er work were in fact still necessary and whether they should be have some .
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