Example sentences of "[coord] as [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I work part-time in a library , ’ Peter said , and as usual a hint of apology crept into his voice .
2 Linn is one of several manufacturers who provide a similar facility , and as usual the effect is the elimination of the digital near-equivalent of tape wow & flutter known as ‘ jitter ’ .
3 The test-flight was postponed over and over again , as I hit a busy spell in work — and as usual the weather had its say in the proceedings .
4 Outside was darkness , and as usual the dark came in with him on hair and clothes .
5 As he held her from behind , Tom 's hips and thighs were solid against the thinly covered curves of her lower torso , and as usual the contact between them made her immediately weak and speechless .
6 Maggie pushed her way through the swinging plate-glass doors and as usual the first thing she saw was a giant mock-up of the front of the magazine , glossy , colourful and slightly daunting , the name magnified out of proportion : QUERY !
7 The causative organism of scabies is a mite , and as such a member of the class Arachnida , which includes the spiders and scorpions .
8 erm and as such a likely hiding place for someone to be was beneath the bed , erm I then lifted the bed with one hand , as I had my revolver drawn in the other hand , erm and then seeing no one was underneath it , I I dropped it again .
9 This statue , now in Kunst Historishche Museum in Vienna , was until recently believed to be the Roman statue found at Magdalensberg in the sixteenth century and as such the only complete Roman statue ever found north of the Alps .
10 His official title ( one used at most clubs ) was secretary-manager , and as such the administration of the club was as much a part of his job as team management .
11 The Winged Cobra is representative of the transcendental nature of higher consciousness or total spiritual enlightenment , and as such the image adorned the entrance to all sacred temples and schools of initiation in Egypt .
12 The little Austers removed a significant amount of the in-flight workload imposed on the Lincoln navigators , however the frequent rain squalls that came over the jungle limited their use and as such the heavy bomber crews had to carry out operations with the required precision in dangerously adverse weather conditions .
13 Even Port Glasgow , the centre of the Chesapeake tobacco trade , and as such the port with the largest customs establishment in Scotland , could have an unqualified officer placed in a position of responsibility .
14 The importance of the concession theory is that it establishes a theoretical framework sympathetic to state intervention ; the company is a creature of the state , existing to promote the public welfare , and as such the state has the right to interfere in its internal affairs and need not confine itself to external , general-law regulation .
15 TRANSIT — The policy is designed to cater for mobile/moveable plant and as such the situation shown on the plant schedule is amended to Anywhere in the United Kingdom .
16 The asset is likely to be replaced with a technologically superior asset and as such the replacement cost of the asset held will be difficult to establish even if it was still appropriate .
17 The metaphor of the gem here is like a filter or a screen through which Lucy can be seen in a fresh light , and as such the metaphor has the " power to inform and enlighten " which a literal paraphrase would not have — it would fail " to give the insight that the metaphor did " ( Black 1971 : 186f ) .
18 Two , the could proceed without the landlord 's licence , it would then be up to the landlord to apply to the court to have the lease forfeited when you could arrange the defence that you were a reasonable tenant and as such the assignment should have been allowed to permit this course of action but of course you are using bank money as well as your own and the bank would be unhappy to lend money in a situation where there was a possibility , albeit a slight , that the lease would be forfeited .
19 The Battle of Edgehill was the first major conflict of the English Civil war and as such the Sealed Knot Society wanted to mark it properly .
20 ‘ I have already indicated my agreement with the views of my noble and learned friend , Lord Diplock , as expressed in O'Reilly v. Mackman [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 237 , and I gratefully adopt all his reasons for the conclusion that : ‘ it would … as a general rule be contrary to public policy , and as such an abuse of the process of the court , to permit a person seeking to establish that a decision of a public authority infringed rights to which he was entitled to protection under public law to proceed by way of an ordinary action and by this means to evade the provisions of Order 53 for the protection of such authorities . ’
21 offered to massage me , but as all the pain was at the bottom of my tummy and I was sitting up , this was a little on the difficult side !
22 With the Editor 's name on the cover , it is not easy to be objective about Sally B — A Very Special Lady ( Midland Counties Publications , 48pp , illus , sbk , available from B-17 Preservation Ltd ) but as all the contributors have given over their royalties to keeping Sally B in the air , we can slip a ‘ plug ’ in .
23 But as all the figures were multiplied by a factor of ten , the area was too great to be enclosed in the Mediterranean , so he placed it in the Atlantic ; and the date was put back into remote antiquity , thousands of years too early .
24 There are other fragrance sources and it is argued that the relationship is not mutually obligatory but as all the euglossine genera are involved , it is suggested that the orchids have exploited a pre-existent behaviour pattern in the bees .
25 The maintenance of this imperium has become not only an essential pillar of the regime 's internal legitimacy , but as essential a pillar of her external legitimacy as a Superpower .
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