Example sentences of "[coord] had some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that it was , or had some connection with , a species of agoraphobia , which in his case manifested itself as an acute fear of heights .
2 And we had a neighbour named and he 'd worked at E T N S all his life and had some influence and I mentioned it to him and he asked me , asked me if he could find me a job .
3 An interruption came from one of the schoolboys who had walked up behind them and had some question he wanted to ask Matthew .
4 This book was in effect the first which emphasized contemporary processes and underlying physical principles and it focused upon river channels , drainage systems , slopes and had some reference to climatic-inspired systems .
5 Maltote was exhausted and had some difficulty remembering certain minor details , but , at last , a full account was given .
6 We found a small inn in Eastcheap , not too expensive , and had some bread , meat , and beer for our supper .
7 I had sorted out the flat really nicely , and had some money put away .
8 ‘ She recognised me and had some idea I wanted to do a story about her on York station .
9 By now I was well under the cloud base and had some idea of horizontal reference and applied maximum boost and revs to regain height .
10 She was angry , for sure , but a closer look would have revealed a heaviness in the mouth , a darkness under her eyes : the face of someone who had cried a good deal recently , and had some crying yet to do .
11 I know Mother traded with him from time to time , and once sent a quantity of wool away to another mill and had some back as grey blankets .
12 ‘ Only that he was an agent for SIS and had some involvement with WIN , and went back to Poland in 1950 .
13 One of these was Francis Newton Souza , who arrived in Britain from India in 1949 and had some success , nationally and internationally , in the Fifties and early Sixties .
14 Canadian scientists introduced large numbers of lacewing eggs into orchards and had some success in controlling apple aphids .
15 I think Derbyshire have done quite a big thing and had some publicity for theirs .
16 Afterwards we went to a bar and had some cognac .
17 Her deseases were a large Empyema of the left lung ( which would not receive any air ) , accompanied with Pleuropneumony , and much adhesion : the right lung was also beginning to decay , and had some Pus in it .
18 It was encouraging last year , that when some Cycladic antiquities were being sold at Sotheby 's , the Greek government made a protest and had some impact on that sale .
19 And had some prophet spoken true
20 She had also been feeling very tired , and had some pain and stiffness in her joints , which she thought was ‘ just her age ’ .
21 Alex and Judy were self funded but had some sponsorship from FWWG and John Wood Group PLC , again going towards the Sick Children 's Hospital .
22 But had some student recited Quexos 's first Law of Drama to him this cold November night he would have nodded grimly , and said : all true , all true .
23 The driver , who was normally employed as a fitter , but had some driving experience with the Corporation , was acting as a relief driver and was found to be principally to blame for the accident , because of his lack of experience , which resulted in his letting the car take the curve at too great a speed and the conductor for applying the hand brake at his end so as to lock the wheels ; he had received no instruction on the proper procedure .
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