Example sentences of "[coord] had [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 In general , the women in the study had spent their wages on food , items for the children or had saved some money while their husband 's wages were spent on larger bills .
2 They were at rest just now , as if Daine were pausing in his expansion or had met some unforeseen check .
3 Although he was a fully qualified pilot , he never to my knowledge ( certainly not whilst he was with No 7 Squadron ) was ever captain of an aircraft ; he had been second pilot , or flown as mid- upper , or rear gunner or had taken some other crew function , but at the same time he would be researching and demonstrating some aspect of a project that he was currently engaged with at the Institute .
4 Perhaps the pilot had been delayed , or had experienced some difficulty in finding a taxi at the station .
5 The Lusaka casualty was originally owned by Pan American and had accumulated some 54 000 flying hours with that company before it was sold to Dan Air , and then a further 2000 flying hours were added before the accident occurred .
6 We were not reassured when a solitary American tourist travelling on the same flight told us he 'd been on this very plane on a previous flight , and they found petrol pouring down the window before take-off , and had to do some repair work on it .
7 He had been travelling and had seen some pretty strange things .
8 He told the man that one woman had been with the nurse when she died , and had heard some secret from her .
9 In short the movies had to be contemporary and had to reflect some of the mass anxieties of the age without ever becoming sectional or subversive themselves .
10 Portraying himself as political outsider , Perot had become a beneficiary of the current anti-incumbent mood of the electorate , and had received some impressive opinion poll ratings .
11 Over the years he had acquired real skill in his hobby , and had exhibited some of his studies of Scottish scenery and wildlife ; his real passion was bird photography , and through the years he had amassed a remarkable collection of pictures .
12 They had recently converted their Kingston area routes to trolleybus operation and had obtained some of the new Feltham type cars for their Uxbridge route .
13 Jo and Ryan had been dating for six months and had progressed some way beyond parking now .
14 By this time it carried the advertisements of a well-known whisky , and had lost some of its charisma .
15 This new Rose who had descended upon him had joined the gaudy throng , for reasons she would n't divulge , and had lost some of her individuality .
16 Prior to its involvement in the ESSE/L Project , School G had already developed its library resources and had nurtured some significant resource-assisted curriculum initiatives .
17 Salah persuaded the fathers or brothers of the girls to consider the schemes and these men were reassured to know that women had discussed the matter and had achieved some consensus .
18 He had destroyed bedroom furniture , tipped Coca-Cola into the video recorder , broken mirrors , and had lit some small fires .
19 Mr. Mallory is a consultant in electronics and audio visual equipment and had made some of the slide changing and fading equipment himself .
20 But Clare really loved the country and had made some very good friends , especially in Zagreb .
21 Coleridge was under contract to the Morning Post , and had to spend some time in London ; but in October 1799 he walked in the Lake District with William and John Wordsworth , and after a certain period of indecision arrived at Greta Hall , Keswick , with his wife and family in August 1800 .
22 It looked as though someone had spilled a can of spaghetti and had to make some sense of it .
23 He was reputed to have a lightning start and had had some close races with Allan Wells .
24 Since I was twenty years old and had had some success in college debating societies , this possibility did not strike me as remote .
25 Guy had obviously carried a small bag of grain in his pack and had left some with the animal .
26 This was no new departure : Charles I had wanted a strong navy , though his reliance on unparliamentary taxation to pay for it had led to trouble ; the Republic had gone further afield than previous governments and had won some notable successes ; and Charles II and his brother James had tried to build up a strong navy without becoming too caught up by the House of Commons and its desire to control policy by controlling finance .
27 In announcing the large fines for conspiracy to steal , Judge Brooks said he had listened to the account given to the court of the information given to the police by both defendants about how they had committed the fraud and had put some of the proceeds in foreign bank accounts .
28 On February 29th , it will be recalled that Falkenhayn had agreed to a spreading of the offensive , to ‘ clear ’ the Left Bank , and had allocated some of his jealously guarded reserves for the purpose .
29 One of his relations worked there , and had found some old warship with one magazine still loaded with the explosive .
30 However , by this time I had outgrown my adolescent appetite for being shocked and had acquired some knowledge of parapsychology .
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