Example sentences of "[coord] they know [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Fonda , Hopper and Nicholson all knew what they meant and they knew that most of the youngsters in the audience would know what they meant .
2 McCullough ‘ Then at noon on the 10th , they found some activity on the roof of the meteorological station ; this was unusual , and they knew that something had gone wrong …
3 And they knew that , of the two , influence was the more securely founded and the more enduring .
4 It was not trying too hard to follow and they knew that there was much sympathy for the strike inside the police force .
5 They had not been consulted and they knew that they would be caught in the middle if , as for a time seemed probable , there should be violent local protests .
6 When my sons went to the village school there was respect and they knew that they could not ‘ nannick ’ about in school , even if they did while on the way there .
7 And they knew that they had acquired their theories of the relation between schooling and life from their parents .
8 The Fontanellatesi knew where his real sympathies lay , and they knew that he could not refuse to do as he was asked .
9 And they knew that they could expect no reinforcements from Scotland while they could have no certainty that a second force was not closing in behind them from England , since clearly their movements had been known , and their return anticipated .
10 And they knew that they were naked ; and they sewed fig leaves together , and made themselves aprons . ’
11 That 's why sometimes they got mad at him because they knew he was talking to them and about them and they knew that it applied to them .
12 The only experience of collectivization there 'd been was the Soviet one and they seemed to have known at least something about the Soviet , they knew it involved a lot of force they knew that if you were going to collect you were going to collectivize you needed the mechaniz well they thought that you needed the mechanization first and they knew that they d A they did n't have the capacity for that mechanization they did n't want to use force I mean i it would , i it would have been very dangerous , would n't it , to go back to the countryside collectivization .
13 More advanced instruction can be offered on this basis , and they know that it will be ( or should be ) available to them when they need it .
14 But despite the current popularity of Personal , Social and Health Education , Active Tutorial Work , and so on , and whatever the rhetoric of the school , they can see that their prime concern is only incidental to the formal scheme of things , and they know that the national tide is not running in their direction .
15 They know me and Paul and Steve 'cos we 've been around here in this bit of the London Road for three seasons now and they know that we would n't let them down . ’
16 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
17 But field staff fear that this might not be appreciated in head-quarters where senior officials might be unfamiliar with their routine strategies : ‘ One can say that because you have n't taken any stats in the last two years it 's because you 're a good lad , and people who you may have to take stats upon know that you 're around a lot , and they know that if they 're naughty it 's a two-edged thing , you can look at it two ways . ’
18 And now " The Meeting having given due consideration to the want of a regular and resident Surgeon in the Island , and conceive that such a person is much wanted , and they know that in general the practice and payments to a medical person is inadequate to support him in decency , and although a liberal subscription was opened and entered into by individuals still the supply would be scanty and unequal to the support of an educated person and a gentleman .
19 If their own price rises by 10 per cent and they know that on average other prices have risen by 5 per cent then they will increase their output .
20 Clients pay for the service on a quarterly basis and they know that the air will be kept clean , without any additional expenditure on repairs or maintenance ’ .
21 you know , in the one case you 're , you 're the representative of court the probation erm officer and they know that if they break the probation or you sort of erm do a bad report on them , maybe they 've got a suspended or something and they 'll , so you know there 's a , and , and you somehow have to handle that
22 but he does n't tend to show me up as much now thank goodness , but late one night he really went naughty , you know when they look at you like that sideways and they know that you ca n't wallop them because those
23 They know the cost of a mortgage today and they know whether they can afford it or not .
24 And they know and we know where to look for help in finding it .
25 culture , they know what an agent looks like and they know what a tour operator looks like and they know and they know one or two other people around and so on and so forth
26 But they knew that it was a humiliating defeat .
27 But they knew that on the left lay the Waste ; and that somewhere west of the Waste , no one knew precisely where , was the Great Camp of the outlaws .
28 But they knew that in order to get assimilated into the great American nation and imbibe of its great opportunities , they had to master English .
29 My children still play in rooms near my attic but they know that usually I will be angry if I am disturbed .
30 But they know that no amount of wishing , no number of ‘ if onlys ’ will bring Johanna back .
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