Example sentences of "[coord] they [vb mod] make " in BNC.

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1 They 'll either hint I was downright dishonest to sign the contract in the first place or they 'll make out I ca n't even spell my own name .
2 They can either admit they 've made a mistake , or they can make it compulsory .
3 ‘ Crack that , son , and they 'll make you chief constable . ’
4 But stores like VG say their first duty is to the shoppers and they 'll make sure they keep the campaign in the headlines until they can sell the story themselves .
5 He says the plan will be to open up a number of railway lines and connect local communities and they 'll make good family cycling ; not the steep gradients mountain bikers like , but nice gradients related to the old gradients of the railway lines .
6 Perform well whatever assignments you have , trust God 's angels to remove and replace where necessary when things are n't being done in a congregation as you think that they might be or should be done , or you might think well the , why do n't the elders do something about this , we 'll leave it , leave it to Jehovah and the angels , if there 's anything wrong , they 'll sort it out and they 'll make the elves sort it out as well , they have ways and means , again coming back to this new text here persistence in prayer shows you are awake the spirituals so there 's another way Jesus was outstanding in its constantly regarding prayers keep awake by field ministry and here 's a rare one in any public talk financial contributions financial , we do n't hear that very often in public talks , we , we always say that there 's , er people come to the meetings , there 's no collection , no mention of money , the seats are free , you 're
7 Over and over again , maybe a hundred , hundred and fifty times in one match and they 'll make one mistake and usually like Coleman was there to c , I think Coleman backed up well and Gareth backed up well once or twice .
8 Your will laugh and they 'll make you change .
9 The problems of the informal interview , then , are considerable , and they may make us feel that the formal type of interview is much less beset with difficulties and open to the criticism of lack of scientific method .
10 They may be unresponsive to ministerial suggestions , and they may make this opposition very clear through the local authority associations .
11 Current educational programmes aimed at all school children on the risks of drug abuse may fail to emphasise the major risks of alcohol and of some prescribed medicines and they may make the false assumptions that : a. drug addiction is simply a product of repeated use of drugs rather than a specific risk of some particular individuals .
12 It can be very flattering to receive such requests , and they may make a difference to the author 's perception of the requester .
13 Th they sometimes brought their own two little boys with them and they would make the the bands to cut them bands to do the sheaves , so .
14 Then Damian would start to caress her , his hands wringing that torturous response from her , and they would make love again until they sprawled together in exhaustion .
15 Colin Parry , 37 , a personnel officer , wept as he said his 12-year-old son would never be the way he was but they wanted him to live and they would make a life for him .
16 We pick two factors two numbers that would make you multiply them together and they would make three sixty .
17 ‘ The BBC has always been classified as the station which tells the truth and they should make sure their research has been properly done before they publish anything else . ’
18 I think it 's wonderful , the strives are to be made in medicine and they should make in all their research into making the people who who are here able to enjoy a good life and fulfilled life
19 If the wife and new husband wish to hold as tenants in common , then it must be remembered that the register will not show their respective shares and they should make a separate declaration ( which will be off the register ) as to these , and this will be evidence at a later date should their shares be in dispute ( for instance with the trustee in bankruptcy of either party ) .
20 I told Gary he should have said , ‘ And they must make you so proud ; everyone can see where they got their looks , Mother . ’
21 Julia Castillo , Vice-President of the Constituent Assembly remarked : " The majority " of Salvadorean women have not been supported by marriage and they must make enormous sacrifices ' ( San Salvador , April 1983 ) .
22 Centres must stick to the published learning outcomes and performance criteria and only vary the assessment instruments if they have permission — and they must make sure that candidates ' work is retained until the published dates .
23 They are given the opportunity to involve the local chief officer of police in their curriculum planning and they must make an explicit decision about the place of sex education in the curriculum .
24 They receive a substantial annual budget from central government coffers , they may borrow from the national loan fund for commercial purposes and they can make use of the proceeds from land sales .
25 A great deal of jargon and many technical terms are used by archaeologists , and they can make excavation reports fairly incomprehensible .
26 And they can make sure that the wishes are properly carried out .
27 This may or may not be desirable : administrators sometimes act more quickly than lawyers and judges ( they are certainly a lot less expensive ) , but they are always vulnerable to regulatory capture and they can make bad decisions if they are poorly funded and undermanned ( for some observations on this issue , see Areeda , 1992 . )
28 Do n't use extra lights unless you have to because they make small spaces very hot very quickly and they can make a classroom recording a very uncomfortable experience for everyone .
29 You concealed knowledge of a deserter , you actually helped him stay deserted , and They can make out a case for saying you still are .
30 They are given appropriate feedback , and they can make mistakes ( and recognise and correct them ) without anyone else knowing .
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