Example sentences of "[coord] they [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But also they would probably have the men working harder than before & they may be more popular .
2 It may be because people are not aware that these benefits exist ; they do not wish to ask for help while they can manage on what they have ; or they may be too proud to claim , thinking that it is like asking for charity .
3 Or they may be thinking about the unthinkable : independence for their tiny — but vastly more successful — China .
4 Or they may be national anthems , flags and romantic notions , like the English thatched cottage under a spreading chestnut tree .
5 The nutrients may be added to the system through spray nozzles , as shown in Fig. 1 , or they may be ploughed into the solid phase by using rotating discs .
6 The visitors may be indifferent to the inmates , or they may be horrified at their plight and wish to help them ( p. 119 ) .
7 Or they may be no more than symptoms of a chemical fault in the consciousness-generator , and of no greater significance than that .
8 The animals ' food often contains toxic test substances or they may be forced to swallow huge capsules or have toxic creams rubbed into their raw skin .
9 Donations can be made out to SCF and sent to Mrs. Dakin , at 54 High View Road , Guildford , Surrey GU2 5RT — or they may be directed to the charity through the Herald editor , at one of the newspaper 's office .
10 Bach Flower Remedies are available from many health food shops or they may be obtained by mail order from the Bach Centre in Oxfordshire , England ( see page 133 ) .
11 They may also be the bureau manager or they may be a voluntary advice worker with the same caseload as any other member of the team .
12 They may attack others physically or verbally , screaming all the insults they can invent ; or they may be destructive , wilfully damaging or destroying anything that is handy when they lose their temper .
13 Or they may be of a different kind .
14 In this first level relationship , the educational institution may seek out gifts or they may be unsolicited but the relationship essentially involves the giving and receiving of gifts .
15 They are not underground for any of a number of reasons — or they may be underground in another burrow system altogether .
16 These may be close at hand , perhaps even in the very field where you will set your net , or they may be two or even three fields away .
17 They may , for instance , be capable of rising magnificently to the occasion when a neighbour 's sick , deprived , or even delinquent child needs help , or they may be wonderful wives , husbands or parents and do much useful voluntary work in the community , and yet lack the particular type of emotional muscle required to support old people .
18 Conductors receive packages at any of the recognized stopping places , or they may be left with certain agents and they are dealt with by special messengers in uniform .
19 These may be purely physical , in the way that smell and touch become more intense in darkness , or they may be more on the psychic level .
20 However , the foundation of a new settlement/cemetery may be the result of shifting patterns brought about by such things as soil exhaustion and plague , or they may be new settlements caused by a growth of population .
21 The items may be grouped into sections dealing with similar aspects of language — for example , items concerned with vocabulary — or they may be ordered in terms of a putative developmental sequence .
22 These may be physical things or they may be ideas .
23 It may be that the round tombs are a reference back to a very ancient and primitive type of house , long-since abandoned except for tomb architecture , or they may be an exotic , a design imported from a foreign land where both tombs and houses were round .
24 Sometimes the Pemberton Musks are listed separately , sometimes they may be listed in with Modern Shrub Roses as well as Hybrid Musks , or they may be listed in with it , which is all very confusing .
25 They may be concentrated naturally as in animal tissues like bone , blood , hoof and horn , or processed to contain a high proportion of one or more nutrients , or they may be bulky and contain very little as in plant tissues like peat , compost and leaf mould .
26 Or they may be isolated from supportive social or family networks and have problem-related health problems such as HIV , hepatitis , TB , and mental health problems .
27 These ‘ id-impulses ’ may be either for ‘ perverse ’ sexual acts which sometimes can not even be admitted to consciousness as acts which the person desires , or they may be impulses of sadism and destructiveness .
28 In non-fiction , the other people whose words and thoughts form part of the information may be historical or contemporary figures , or they may be groups , or even humanity in general .
29 The effect of such accidents may be minor or they may be far-reaching .
30 Think carefully about the meaning of the question(s) Questions may be straightforward or they may be deliberately provocative .
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