Example sentences of "[coord] they [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's J 's birthday on April 2nd & they are having a party ( at last ! ) so I 'll catch up on the news then — they are v. seldom at Gayfield St these days , so I never see them .
2 D H S S , because very often , they either ca n't get telephone boxes working , or they 're hanging on so long that they do n't have enough money
3 It 's the verges that 're either not cut at all or they 're cut with one of two machines , the primo is little bits and the machines that so aptly described .
4 They were either born rich , or they 're getting their own back on the kids who beat them up at school . ’
5 Or , they maybe replacing some of these but they got plenty of these , or they 're replacing some of these but they 've got plenty of these ?
6 Erm or they 're related to attendance at meetings you know er no
7 Wh whe where we go in Yorkshire that Stu Stuart usually gets them out of the Cameron the the pub one , where we go and stay and or they 're dealing with you know what he 's like with his deal , he knows if it 's there it 's usually good fun so , you know .
8 Or they 're trying to tell us something . ’
9 ‘ If someone looks like they 're not having a good time , or they 're looking at their watch , or they look like they 're acting , then the tape is rejected . ’
10 Or they 're dressed by their mothers .
11 But what it was , they were like it was like G A N do them er Man and Co And they had sort of like a job like Dave 's and a lot of them what they 've done is they 've bought in this area , I mean probably most areas they 've bought the repossessed they 've got about eight or nine houses they 're either renting them out or they 're leaving them empty .
12 Or they 're voting in county council elections .
13 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
14 And as soon as the parent opens up and or they 're moving , and or they 're moving into the area , there 's the advertising for them .
15 And as soon as the parent opens up and or they 're moving , and or they 're moving into the area , there 's the advertising for them .
16 Either that or they 're finding out if someone 's home before going round the back and breaking in .
17 I said that the Occidental are gon na They 'll either willingly pay or they 're going have to pay a lot of compensation to the bereaved and er fund more or less just going to top up any money when it 's probably not going to be necessary in the long run .
18 erm Oh definitely yes , I mean when we 're trying to play passes over the top of their defence and they 're getting cut or they 're going straight through to the goalkeeper , it 's very frustrating for us , but really it 's just a case of plugging away and trying to get things to come right .
19 Either it ca n't find the address or they 're checking the place out .
20 Or they 're doing single
21 Or they 're laughing .
22 On , on one hand , you 're talking about , or they 're talking about , we 're talking about , improving the aesthetics aspect of the market place , wi with nice pavings and attractive features .
23 ‘ Men who are rappers have to be sexist or they 're gon na lose their credibility , so they 're gon na continue to dis women for as long as it proves their manhood .
24 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
25 Oh the ducks yes ducks that 's right the ducks had better watch out or they 're gon na get run over .
26 Either that or they 're gon na shut down .
27 Those who are not prepared to do so may find that their promotion 's blocked or they 're shunted into a backwater — one experienced insurance broker of my acquaintance , for instance , was offered a job in the stationery department !
28 All of a sudden they have kids to put through college or they 're shacked up with some old wreck of a husband .
29 When the project is completed , the group members are transferred back to the basic structure , or they are given operating responsibility for the new product in a new unit .
30 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
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