Example sentences of "[coord] not [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Simultaneously , in Fangorn Forest , Gandalf , Saruman and Treebeard himself are wandering , meeting or not meeting seemingly at random .
2 While the home market may be happy with this it does mean more potential confusion , since a weapon could be an antique or not depending purely on the country in which it finds itself !
3 Pip changes from being content with his life at the beginning and not expecting much out of life until he goes to Miss Havisham 's and meets and falls in love with Estella .
4 It gave her an incredibly guilty feeling , as if she was a nuisance and should be away from here and not causing so much trouble .
5 We were trying to make the tree stand erect in Fred 's pot and not seeing quite how it was to be done .
6 In Chalatenango , for example , the FMLN forces maintain that by preference , sexual relations should not occur outside of a matrimony ( understood in a broad sense and not implying either a civil or religious ceremony ) .
7 You 're sweating and nervous and you know you 're out on a limb here , you 're in the process of taking some terrible risks and the luck , the flow that comes from being justified and in tune and not taking too much for granted , not being contemptuous or disrespectful of fate ; all that 's in danger here because you 're pushing the envelope , you 're maybe relying on one or two too many things going perfectly .
8 on radio , television , sponsorship , sessions and producer work I take 20 per cent because those things are often rather fiddly , involving quite a lot of work and not producing very much of a financial return .
9 This is caused by poor basic training and not thinking ahead .
10 When I 'm drinking a glass of water , I 'm drinking a glass of water and not thinking about five other things at the same time .
11 During its debut series , the BBC insisted on moving it about willy-nilly ( to the extent of not showing it at all some weeks ) like a high court judge discovering his penis and not knowing quite what to do with it .
12 ‘ Can you imagine Zeinab talking about a thing like that and not getting emotionally involved ?
13 I did that for 18 months , leaving Safferys at seven and not getting home until midnight .
14 I was surprised because she 'd been throwing herself at him all day and not getting anywhere much . ’
15 At other times the loop amounts to going round in circles and not getting anywhere fast .
16 She certainly wo n't be happy if she thinks you 're just hanging around down here and not getting anywhere .
17 ‘ The thing is , Management will listen to him and he 'll get what he wants , not like poor old Ron who 's been waffling away for years and not getting anywhere .
18 And you see the nice people coming in and not getting really
19 The key worker or case manager role , identified in the research , uses social work time productively to help maintain a vulnerable person in his/her home , and not using more costly residential care .
20 And not using too much water .
21 I do n't know what , no I do n't mean it that way , I 'm just weary and not looking forward to tonight and
22 These include excessive pallor or flushing of skin ; rapid , darting eye movements ; perspiration ; tremor of hands ; rigid posture ; aggressive manner ; excessive and/or irrelevant talking , and not looking directly at the person being spoken to .
23 The rubber was stretching and stretching and not tightening enough , and I could n't move my hands for fear of it tearing the flesh off a finger or biting my nose off .
24 It 's good to know that the easiest snack in the world — baked beans on ( wholemeal ) toast is also doing you good and not costing much in money or preparation time .
25 Talking around the subject and not coming directly to the point ; saying in 30 words what might equally be said in 10 .
26 Meanwhile Hillary 's reward for standing by her man and not forging too far ahead with her own individual approach will be immense — a degree of personal power that no American woman has ever savoured before .
27 Nothing she said , just a way she has of slightly turning and doing something else and not replying as quickly as she might .
28 having the flu , near a fortnight ago now , she 's on these pills and she 's as bad as ever , and not sleeping again .
29 Just prior to this I was under a great deal of pressure to complete a computer program , and went in to work while I was suffering from the flu and not sleeping very well .
30 Mum and Dad were all tight and not saying much and Annie just chatted away to me in the back and Simon kept licking at the suitcase like it was a bone or summat .
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