Example sentences of "[coord] at [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you have learned calligraphy in school or at Brownies you could write the words of the Promise neatly on the bookmark .
2 One may need to look closely at developmental and familial aspects , at past and present circumstances and at feelings which , regardless of age , may be unconscious and deeply submerged .
3 Tim Laurence , tallest player in the Durham University College squad and as tough as they came in a challenge , sported his hair above his ears , and at lectures his tie would always be knotted properly , his jacket and trousers immaculate .
4 Every evening after school and at weekends she 's hard at it doing research .
5 In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends , or walked through the fields with Diana , or sat talking to Matthew .
6 For Corporal Gary Elmer , whose day job is as a builder , this is a big change : during the week he puts them up , and at weekends he knocks them down !
7 In his lunch breaks Doisneau pored over books on photography , and at weekends he set off alone with a heavy wooden camera and tripod to capture the first of the ‘ personal ’ photographs that would be the basis of his life 's work .
8 He went out to work by day , conveniently , at a firm of accountants ; in the evenings and at weekends he made himself as unobtrusive as possible .
9 Themes are a splendid way of giving exhibitors a bias ; it challenges them to put on their thinking caps and at times they can find material with only a subtle connection .
10 Wolves play a similar style , and at times one yearned for someone to set the ball rolling … literally .
11 The open sewer in the high street looked as if it had never been cleaned and at times we squelched ankle deep in human excrement .
12 We had at least seven other buck sergeants and maybe a staff sergeant crewing airplanes which had been returned to us two or three month after the deal and at times we had as high as twenty aircraft in the squadron , that according to the er roster that you were only supposed to have twelve , but er nobody seemed to say anything about it and we did n't get any extra men , but there was at least six or seven men doing the work of master sergeants getting paid for , getting buck sergeant and staff sergeant pay for which I 'm very grateful .
13 Advocates of a return to gold still remain , and at times there have been proposals to consider reinstating it as the key reserve asset in the international monetary system .
14 Over the two day event I understand nearly 20,000 people attended the show and at times my car was four or five deep , people of various different ages just trying to get a glimpse or take pictures .
15 Rushmere spent 71 balls over his 29 , and at times it seemed as if Wessels and Kirsten were more interested in spending much-needed time in the middle than trying to set a challenging target .
16 In some ways the Linn is a rather old fashioned sounding deck , even to the extent of sounding cold and uncommunicative , and at times it fails to rise completely to the challenge set by the music it is reproducing .
17 But he could not complain of the unsuitability of the friendship between his wife and Isobel , and at times it was extremely useful .
18 And at times it criticizes class-based politics , for its omission and marginalization of gender issues .
19 And at times it has almost seemed as if everyone has had something to say about me , and it has often been those people who have never read The Satanic Verses who have had the most to say .
20 Some played up to the queue even more than I did , and at times it was quite a pantomime as they expressed themselves in their broken English with much arm waving and competitive claims .
21 Naively he regarded it as ‘ no big deal ’ and at times he became quite testy at the attention it commanded .
22 The war made severe inroads into his livelihood and at times he would be forced onto the hills to join the gangs doing the walling , but he hated being away from his family and they too suffered from the separation and besides the wages were not enough for all seven of them .
23 Anthony spent as much time with Julia as he could , but there were patients at the hospital who were iller even than she and at times he had to leave her with Comfort and Annunziata .
24 She stood by him , she never reproached him for his failings , and at times he felt even worse because she was so forbearing .
25 Frankly , if I were n't in such a high-risk position , I 'd want someone a little more cosy as my obstetrician , but Owen is the best for someone like me and at times he can be a dear , so I should n't complain …
26 You may not escape some head-on collisions with others , and at times you may feel that this area of life is nothing short of a battleground .
27 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
28 And at times I commanded God myself , ‘ This is what I want ; will you do it ? ’
29 In around 6 months time I 'll have one of these famed degrees ( hopefully ) and at times I can be equally dopey … to the extent that the same thing happenend to me regarding my cashcard .
30 Intelligent and witty , Shaw became somewhat embittered , and at times his company teaching could seem perfunctory .
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