Example sentences of "[coord] are [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , those who experience a violent death ( self-inflicted or otherwise ) or are denied proper burial must remain earth-bound until they are exorcised .
2 In 1773 when raw silk was difficult to obtain , the owner of a throwing mill in Sherborne wrote : … having discharged many of my hands which are either starving , or are become burdensome to the town , others are incessantly crying for a little work and could they obtain but a morsel of Barley-bread they are happy , they very often go days with little or no nourishment … the continued cries of the poor people complaining for want of the necessaries of life as well for want of employment is shocking indeed … and what is worse the overseers are not so bountiful to the necessitous as I could wish .
3 Needless to say , using both structures , there will still be many trainees who drop out or are deemed unsuited as advice workers .
4 Whatever the structure of the organisation , good communication lies at the heart of success — and , because of the complexities we have already looked at and the many factors which influence the way in which messages circulate and are received good communication is perhaps more difficult to achieve than good product design , manufacturing productivity or success in the market place .
5 Nineteen were killed and two went missing and are presumed dead .
6 Some services are financed out of general taxation and are made available for all of us to consume .
7 All candidates accepted for training are on probation for at least six months and are made aware of this .
8 ‘ When you travel round the world , and being brought up in a family like mine , you learn that what happens on the field is actually very important to people elsewhere , and you feel , perhaps not so much a sense of responsibility , as a sense of focus in which people identify nationally for the best kind of reasons , and are made aware of who they are and what they came from .
9 Deep anaphors , on the other hand , take their meaning directly from an element of the content-based representation , or mental model , and are renamed model-interpretive anaphora .
10 Both are moving and sincere pieces , finely crafted , and are given well-prepared performances by , respectively , the Robert de Cormier Chorale and the Washington Cathedral Choir .
11 They stand in water , which corresponds to their boggy native habitats , and are given additional light overnight to supplement the illumination from fluorescent strips ; such are the practicalities of plant-of-prey nurture .
12 In most cases Members are offered a cheaper rate to attend events and are given preferential admittance over non members .
13 They are usually stuffed away in dark corridors or storerooms that are of little use to the centre itself , and are given low priority , so receive only small funding .
14 In the St. Nicholas Street pavement in fact , they are on a square background and are given bulbed tips between every second petal .
15 UDCs are the most controversial of the urban innovations , and are given separate consideration later in this chapter .
16 Barristers are specialist consultants and advocates , and are given exclusive rights of audience in the superior courts ; this creates a class of specialists whose services are available to all solicitors .
17 In sum , alongside group orientation and dependence , individualism and autonomy are significant components in the psycho-cultural dynamics of life in a Semai community and are given explicit cultural expression in notions such as pehunan and segat .
18 Around 100 trainees come to the Rathbone Society in Darlington every year and are given initial training at its base on the Lingfield industrial estate .
19 We can only try to provide an efficient service if we are clear what it is you need and are given sufficient time to do something about it .
20 As more and more survive and are kept alive beyond the utmost limit of working life , the economic or social function of the individual provides less and less of a motive or framework for his survival ; and when we ask Why ? we find ourselves thrown back upon purpose in a sense which is neither economic nor social nor even secular .
21 There are also statutory covenants requiring landlords , of properties let at a low rent , to ensure that they are both fit for human habitation at the start of the tenancy and are kept fit for habitation throughout the lease :
22 When viewed at visible wavelengths the Cytherean clouds are rather featureless , and are tinged yellow , perhaps by small quantities of sulphur .
23 The colours are bright and are called fluorescent to distinguish them from the normal opaque colours in the usual felt-tip pens .
24 Most occupational schemes pay a proportion of your earnings when you retire and are called final earnings schemes .
25 Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects .
26 Left-handed shells are sometimes found produced in this way and are called ultradextral or hyperstrophic ( and no doubt left-handed mutations of L. peregra are also found looking like normal righthanded snails ; hyperstrophic also but now ultrasinistral ) .
27 Some or all of the authorized shares will be issued to shareholders ( and are called issued shares or called-up shares ) , with an issue price which can exceed the par value but can not be less than the par value .
28 If an exact match is found , the user is told how many studies have been indexed with the matching term and are offered other associated terms which might assist in focusing the search .
29 However , he should ask himself why it is that , when people are given access and are judged eligible for the benefits , the administration is so inadequate that paying out the genuine benefits breaks the system .
30 The igneous complex is elongated in a north west-south east direction , and includes norite , anorthosite , tonalite and diorite as the main rock types present , all of which have been metamorphosed since their intrusion and are termed meta-igneous rocks by the British Geological Survey in the published map , with terms metanorite , meta-anorthosite , etc. being used .
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