Example sentences of "[coord] he and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Alien corn , Father Dowd called them once when he was being entertained at home and he and her father were discussing politics .
2 That was n't true , and he and they all knew it .
3 And he and we did n't really I only just saw him fleetingly .
4 During that period , I spent a lot of time with Calvin Mark Lee , basically because he was Lou Reisner 's assistant , and he and I got on really well .
5 She swept them out , following them , fearing perhaps that they would add to Harry 's fatigue , and he and I looked at each other across the suddenly empty room in a shared fundamental awareness .
6 He was a good playmate and he and I enjoyed playing " horses " where one would " drive " the other in turns with string as harness — and he told me years later it was a bitter disappointment to him when I said I 'd grown out of the game .
7 He read his plays again , and he and I talked and laughed about the old days .
8 In the 1950s he felt we could n't afford a new car , so be bought a prewar London taxi , and he and I built a Nissen hut as a garage .
9 By the way , I met up with John Collins the other day and he and I were signing your praises .
10 You had to buy your own stuff , I bought a pair of thigh boots and they were all made with leather and he and I used to put neat's-foot oil on them and I could roll them down just like a b just like a boot .
11 The purpose of of these four orders , which I must say I greatly welcome , it is one of the , the most beneficial things to come out of the B C C I er disaster er and er i if I can say in in effectively in answer to everything the honourable gentleman for Great Grimsby said and he and I have debated on many occasions , if fact usually on the television not on the floor of the house , but er an an an an because of it for not quite so long either , er but erm th the point I would make to his is that really what he was saying was th that what went wrong with B C C I is that Price Waterhouse knew there was fraud and did n't say so and that wha what Lord Justice Bingham pointed out was that there is a clear conflict of interest between the interest of the client who they work for and the public interest and that what needed , what was needed was some amendment to the banking act to clarify that and that is precisely what er this order actually does and you ca n't really er Madam Deputy Speaker , expect anyone to really seriously criticise the government when in actual fact not only have they come up with the regulation to deal with that but they 've also gone further and said we will apply this to financial services and to building societies and to insurance companies as well , just to be absolutely sure .
12 And he and I had oops er had earlier talked about people , no that 's fine , that 's fine I like the crust , erm parking on verges and I was decrying it .
13 the other review is really good , just as good as yours and he and you are saying very much the same things .
14 You know , and he and you 're hiding .
15 And er he was the choir master erm and he and he used to put us onto , we used to have various plays you know , erm maybe two a year or something like that .
16 If there was ever a classic is about the laziest bastard on this side of Christendom and he and he he would n't do anything that supports your business at all
17 I think erm Winston Churchill when he went for his Eton exam or the entrance exam to Eton or something and erm y'know they asked some question and he and he goes on and erm after five minutes he wrote his name , very neatly , right ?
18 for me last year and he and he did Yeah I will see him
19 And er and he and he remembered .
20 You know , and I I , and of course He came back and he and he bought a ticket .
21 Oh he says oh me knee 's gone and he and he with his trouble
22 and he and he lands on the metal chair .
23 Do you know what the reason I hate him you know and he and he goes on my friend Garry and he goes oh you still going out with that Pakkie ?
24 He 's not funny at all , he 's a bastard and he and he 's really really nasty
25 Boomer chose to pursue his career in France and he and his brother , Percy , became the professionals at the fashionable St Cloud club , just outside Paris .
26 Here I am , a British soldier , and he and his family are being friendly towards me .
27 ‘ Shut up , you bloody lot , ’ shouted a soldier , and and he and his companions started rushing up and down the room .
28 And he and his fellow sociobiologists have high but distant hopes of doing the same for man .
29 When he had retired , not long before , he had still owned a small car , and he and his wife could do their shopping in style , and go for outings : Wilson in goggles , because the roof was usually open , and his wife carefully tucked in , and veiled .
30 If his taxes did deter hard work , the economy would wilt , jobs would be lost and he and his colleagues would run short of the tax revenue for financing their favourite causes .
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