Example sentences of "[coord] you [vb past] have " in BNC.

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1 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
2 Your arm was broken , and you had had a terrible bang on the head .
3 T. B. You had to see what they were passing through and you had to have a chit and you had to time this chit and sign it and then you went to the hut and put it on the spike .
4 And you had to have licences for your lorry then .
5 No but , what the bloke had one half and you had to have the other half .
6 I mean a steam tug you got to have coal and you got to have the old boiler , old boiler , you got to heat that up for the steam cos that did n't pay then .
7 And you seemed to have become attached to that awful little room in the Hospedaje Lisboa .
8 But you chose to switch on the news that day , or to hear it from a friend ; and you chose to have certain thoughts in response to that news .
9 And you did have the odd team of people like Don and Tina who o obviously had n't done things before .
10 But you got to have Saturday 's to start with .
11 But you got to have Saturday 's to start with but you got
12 but you got to have been out of work six months , so I said well I 've been out of work six months , so she , I 've got that to do tomorrow , so I get up the firm this Spinny Hill , Northampton , that 's an adult education centre where you can go and learn the skills of your trade , but she said that might not start until September
13 But you had to have qualified for it by working , see ? end of the week and the only place I ever had one was at and because the foreman approached me , I 'd been out of work and got the job by writing to it , going to the library and it was in one of the London papers , they wanted men for the tool rooms .
14 But you had to have it paid every quarter .
15 Then that would sort of feed itself , but you had to have one man feeding the the scrapping machine and another man with a shovel , pulling away the the the the the the scrapped at the side and then you had to have another man feeding the long hay into the chaff cutter .
16 Yeah , but you did have permission .
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