Example sentences of "[coord] with [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Normally , when she had visited the south of France with Jonathan , or with her friends , they had headed straight for the action .
2 Stella therefore has a choice to make of staying with her husband or with her sister .
3 In these scenes an unknown actress , impersonating Harlow 's voice , speaks the lines with her back to the camera or with her face hidden by a wide-brimmed hat ; at the sight of this , Boy simply got up and left the living room , left the end of the film unwatched and just sat in the kitchen with a pot of tea .
4 ‘ At the end of the day , I 'm not satisfied either with her evidence or with her claim that she had no belief that copyright would be infringed , ’ he said .
5 In addition , the AppleMac 's facility for incorporating sound within a program means that this further dimension can be added to the programs ; the user could then learn to associate the sound with the symbol , or with its description .
6 It is such that nothing could get in the way of its operation save changes logically inconsistent with it or with its effect or with a causal sequence of which it and its effect are parts .
7 As Angus Calder has noted , there was a formidable catalogue of reorganisation and rationalisation carried out either by the government or with its encouragement .
8 It is not enough that a state is unlucky or incompetent in its economic , social or foreign policies — that jobs or food are scarce , or that it is at war with itself or with its neighbours .
9 In very broad terms , these may be sub-divided according to whether the interference is with the administration of justice as a general or continuing process or with its administration in a particular case .
10 It would not be compatible with the duty of the Secretaries of State to ‘ promote the education of the people of England and Wales ’ , or with their accountability to Parliament , to abdicate from leadership on educational issues which have become a matter of lively public concern .
11 It seems likely that the trend towards the establishment of separate households will continue , and this will result in more older people living alone or with their spouses .
12 Amnesty said that it had evidence of children being detained , either on suspicion of illegal political activities , or with their fathers , some of whom were serving heavy sentences for their alleged involvement in the attempted coup of 1981 [ see pp. 31353-54 ; 31563 ] .
13 Finch , in a study of preschool playgroups , found that for working class women self help was illusory , because taking turns in looking after other people 's children did not fit in with their life styles or with their aspirations .
14 It called on the government " to acknowledge publicly that extrajudicial executions , torture and other serious human rights violations had been committed by members of the security forces and others acting apparently on their behalf or with their acquiescence " [ see p. 38663 for Amnesty visit ] .
15 Academic staff may use appropriate systems for the development of their computing expertise ; for research projects ; for the support of teaching ; for the exchange of academic information with their peers or with their students throughout the Janet linked institutions in the UK or elsewhere ; and for related access to public domain facilities .
16 They come into a Home because they ca n't live on their own or with their families any longer .
17 They underlined the pain inflicted on the conquered Gauls and their courage in facing death — alone or with their families .
18 He has no time for players who are not totally honest with him or with their approach to the game .
19 Or with their sisters , or their sweethearts . ’
20 As part of the internal assessment process , some self-assessment should be involved , through children 's discussing a piece of writing with the teacher or with their peers , and then redrafting it .
21 Nuclear weapons were so destructive that those states which possessed them had to be very careful about getting involved in any conflicts , whether with other nuclear states or with their allies .
22 The General Household Survey for example defines the family today as ‘ a married couple living alone or with their children , or a lone parent with his or her children , in each case the children being never married ’ .
23 ‘ I 've no doubt of that but you will have to deal with the family or with their solicitor .
24 Girls may be there simply because they are young and things are not working out at home or with their boyfriends , or they may be designated as " ESN " ( educationally sub-normal ) , or have had previous children that they have lost through negligence or ignorance .
25 So decide whether you get in under your own steam , or with my assistance . ’
26 You 're with me , or with my enemies .
27 The intention of the work was to interrogate the way in which pictures of my past , of my mother and myself as a baby or with my brothers and sisters , excluded and included certain stereotypes , perceptions and ideals and how this mediated my own experiences within a non-represented area — having a premature and sick baby .
28 It 's not that I 'm particularly unhappy with the shape of my body or with my image , it 's just that I worry all the time about what people think about me , what impression they are getting .
29 Two-thirds of you chose the make and model on your own or with your partner , and 25 per cent were guided by information in magazines .
30 What is ( or was ) your relationship with your mother ? or with your father ?
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