Example sentences of "[coord] you would be " in BNC.

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1 It 's very thorough , and if you are not producing the goods on the field you have to do it in training or you 'd be out .
2 My view has long been that 40 ought to be the cut-off age for parenting or you 'd be unfairly old for your child .
3 " And a good thing for you that it does , " said Clelia , with a sudden asperity , " or you 'd be out on your ear .
4 It 's just something which is so big , that for the problem we 're working on at the moment , you 'd be there forever , or you 'd be there from here to the moon or something .
5 or you 'd be able to exchange it .
6 Or you 'd be
7 Either you get out or you 'd be pushed out .
8 However , this is the 3-inch drive peculiar to Amstrad products , and you would be better off paying the extra £35 for a discount Atari ST .
9 However , the new facilities have yet to win any support from software houses , and you would be surprised to find an STE actually on sale .
10 Then our relationship to each other would change , and you would be a more boyish Philip Waken , and I a less hoydenish Maggie .
11 You should post payment , or pay the balance to your travel agent , 10 weeks before departure to allow the payment to clear to our account , otherwise our computer will cancel your booking , and you would be liable to pay cancellation charges as shown in Condition ( 9 ) .
12 Nevertheless , knowledge and skill can be acquired more quickly through a well-planned training programme , and you would be well advised to consolidate your early practical experience through further training before committing yourself to the full responsibility of your own farm and livestock .
13 And you would be right .
14 THE path of true love is not renowned for being easy and you would be wise to remind yourself of this in 1993 .
15 The Uranus-Neptune effect — strong in February , April , July and October — could create worldwide economic confusion , and you would be advised to become as liquid as possible in 1993 .
16 If you are going to buy a camcorder , it might seem to he sensible to keep to this format : all your cassettes would be interchangeable , and you would be able to play back your own recordings on your colour television via your existing VCR just as you would any other tape .
17 And then the secret would be out and you would be forced to tell your people all about us .
18 There are both attractions and drawbacks which need to be considered carefully and you would be strongly advised to discuss the matter with your solicitor .
19 Venture inside and you would be wise to wear a respirator to filter off the stench , and clothing that will protect you from the steady rain of droppings and urine that falls from the ceiling .
20 And you would be right , but for the fact that Hamid , like so many other adopted sons of Ellis Island , is now an all-American poker pro hustling out of San Diego .
21 You would have read of the exploits of some famous rock climber and you would be familiar with the meanings of such terms as abseiling , etrier , carabiner , piton and so on .
22 You may tell me that your personal life is not my concern and that it is not for me to comment — and you would be justified however , I can not help but make it my concern because I have your future very much at heart .
23 ‘ And they say that after the Conablaiche would come the Lad of the Skins , ’ said the soldier , and a sudden silence fell , because everyone knew about the Lad of the Skins and the Knife of Light , and how , if you fell into the Lad 's clutches , he would take your soul and you would be thrown for ever into the Prison of Hostages .
24 It is , however , much more difficult to construct and you would be well advised to seek professional help in making this feature .
25 Then the Josephs and you would be ruined , and Durance 's reputation lost . ’
26 ‘ If it was n't for that poor bugger , I would be getting as pissed as a bishop 's fart in the Crossed Keys and you would be back in your decrepit church feeding that bloody cat or watching your bloody stars !
27 It is not the objective of this program to make you a complete guru , and you would be best advised to keep your BASIC manual close at hand .
28 You have a reputation of not letting go of a thing once you have started and you would be delighted to discover that I am responsible for Ana 's blindness .
29 Discretion 's the better part of valour now and you would be wiser to keep your thoughts to yourself rather than risk a confrontation at work or home .
30 If you worked in the industry you would see what was happening and you would be aghast .
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