Example sentences of "[coord] that [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
2 There was no evidence in the present case that L 's girlfriend had taken delivery of the goods or that she or anyone had had instructions from L to take the goods , and L was not the only adult living there .
3 Failure to talk about sexual needs may mean that the individual does not consider it to be a problem , or that he or she finds it embarrassing to discuss such matters .
4 It is that a person who takes another 's car ‘ can escape liability to tougher sentences only if he or she can show , on the balance of probabilities , that either the aggravating event occurred before he or she committed [ the basic s. 12 offence ] , or that he or she was not present at the relevant time . ’
5 ‘ Oh , I do not deny that my son was homosexual , nor that he and Wolfgang Klein were lovers .
6 The employee should not need to show that the perception is incorrect nor that he or she is not actually disabled at all .
7 One field can not exist within another field without an interaction between them , therefore it can be argued that the Universe is an energy field and that everything that exists in it is a subsidiary or component part of the total field .
8 One reason why people in our area consistently vote Labour is that they are told by the Opposition that the whole country owes them a living and that everything that has happened to them — the economic misfortunes of past years — has been inflicted purposely by a Conservative Government .
9 So how far do you actually want God to forgive you up to three times and then no more you know it 's it 's that kind of er question that we 're asking and that we that I feel that is something we should be thinking about that how far should a Christian go in forgiving .
10 Will governments endorse the view of the eugenicists of the 1930s that the carriers of such genes are ‘ bad and inferior ’ and that they and their followers are ‘ good and superior ’ ?
11 Wickenden , as purchasing director , is naturally reticent about details , but he led me to believe that smuggling nuts out of Turkey was an important activity , and that everyone except presumably the government , was satisfied with this arrangement .
12 THERE IS a paranoiac frisson , and more than a little insight , to be had from the thought that we humans are not really in control of our own fates , and that someone or something is using us .
13 The purpose was to show that he too used spoken language and that it and Tarvarian were mutually incomprehensible .
14 Study of the operation of the valve shows that the servo air will completely seal the valve without the aid of the spring and that it and the diaphragm plate can therefore be eliminated together with the turned spigot inside the cover .
15 Study of the operation of the valve shows that the servo air will completely seal the valve without the aid of the spring and that it and the diaphragm plate can therefore be eliminated together with the turned spigot inside the cover .
16 Sometimes they are told to demonstrate what new recruits ( and the field-worker ) can expect ; on other occasions they are told to illustrate the funny or the tragic sides of policing ; or are used as a vehicle for the story-teller to display some features about him or herself , such as his or her experience and skill and ability in handling all things , and that he or she is professional in being able to talk about horror in a cold and detached manner .
17 Make sure that the baby 's body is facing the breast and that he or she is taking the whole nipple to fill its mouth .
18 The main thing the well-prepared learner brings to the task is positive expectations — expectations that reading will bring rewards of pleasure and understanding , and that he or she is going to learn to read and to enjoy the learning .
19 Once the reader has grasped that there are different kinds of reading ( appropriate to different kinds of texts and different purposes ) , that reading must be undertaken actively and critically , and that he or she has to interact in a personal way with the text , then the reader is becoming proficient .
20 The group reflect what they see of the sufferer 's assets and defects ( never defects alone ) and he or she is helped towards the recognition that his or her previous life truly had become unmanageable and that he or she had tried desperately to control everything but was finally having to admit defeat and accept powerlessness .
21 Each partner has to recognize his or her position and that he or she represents a group who have a legitimate voice .
22 See that your client initials all alterations to any document executed , and that he or she signs any plan attached to it — this being unnecessary , however , if the plan is drawn on the actual document .
23 Maybe that very quickly he started coming up with lyrics and that he and I got on well right from the off , Well , not quite from the off .
24 From her they had learned that Jerome Fanshawe had a bungalow at Eastover between Eastbourne and Seaford and that he and his wife and daughter had driven down there for a week 's holiday on May 17th .
25 The tabloid newspapers decided it was their duty to reveal that Gatting had invited a barmaid to his hotel room during the Test match , and that he and other players had taken part in ‘ sex romps ’ with girls from the hotel ; though how the newshounds , scrabbling around in the bushes outside , could see what was happening in the rooms was not really clear .
26 Junack told me that he personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship by placing explosive charges in the cooling water intakes and to open the seacocks , and that he and others had done this ; and this was confirmed by an engine-room rating named Werner Lust who stayed on in England after his release as a prisoner-of-war .
27 He left the cosy little restaurant to reappear a few minutes later with the announcement that her taxi was at the door and that he and Bob would go with her as far as her hotel .
28 He sat on the couch and started a story the burden of which was to illustrate that Hunter-Blair was being paid an exorbitant amount for his weekly outpourings and that he and Maureen were having an affair .
29 Shevardnadze told reporters that the two sides had discussed the Cambodia issue in depth and that he and Qian believed that a " decisive phase had been reached " in the settlement of the problem [ see also p. 37712 ] .
30 Er there 's obviously concern about the one off and the er charitable events er ha had had er er act actually , actually that I , I , I , I , think some of the comments of , of both Mr and that he and of er of the mover if there if there trans , if there trans , transmitted er er would actually largely deal with those er , er concerned so I 'm , I 'm very happy to second .
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