Example sentences of "[coord] i think they " in BNC.

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1 And I came and , and I did n't think Harlow was for me because I , it was all very built up and lots of roundabouts but the people , the partners were so lovely and er I saw some of the patients and I thought they were very lovely too , so this is where I 've been .
2 And I thought they called her er he 's from Scotland June , cos
3 I was , I was in the loo and erm they were , they went into the office and I could hear this rummaging of paper and I thought they 've got a club book , I did n't think any more of it , and when I came out they got , both of them out of the boxes .
4 And I thought they 're no woods forest .
5 and I thought they were gon na say beam them up Scottie .
6 Ooh you 've never seen nowt like it , you know when your tomatoes are stuck on and then you shovel them off and I thought they were like that !
7 We are we we 've got an amp meter and a volt meter and I thought they were the same thing you see .
8 And I thought they were going to the meeting er on Friday because I knew they were both off
9 Before losing out to Northampton who were bullies , I was at that match at Buckingham Road and I thought they were bullies , especially Bobby Barnes , not the wrestler , used to play for West Ham , but he plays for Northampton now , he 's gone now , but they were , they , they were naughty .
10 Credit to them , they came back , got a great goal , Les Phillips had a great game , made the first one I think , no the second one he made did n't he ? erm But he played tremendous , Les ; he got the passing going and I thought they did very well as a team , we kept our composure .
11 And I think they did this as paintings whilst Lee Krasner as a person was being dazzled by the brilliance of his recklessness .
12 My students see that I can manage to get to work every day , and I think they would feel guilty if they did not turn up too . ’
13 I have been reading the last few pages and I think they are true and beautiful and just , recompense enough for the cold gloom of this untidy and lonely room .
14 But I could tell no more than I have written here and I think they all knew from the start it was hopeless .
15 I felt that there were several factors that caused him to want to continue living , and I think they 're normal everyday factors .
16 And I think they did .
17 And I think they 're only worry pills and I 'm not worried any more . ’
18 And I think they tried to drug me the night before I rode Shine On at York . ’
19 Sugar are a king hell rock band and I think they know it .
20 Part of Carvin 's design brief was to keep the controls as simple and as familiar-looking as possible and I think they have succeeded .
21 I use nothing else , and I think they 're fab .
22 You know you ca n't love people , Lee , because they are frightened of life and I think they are quite right and should beware of everything , especially camp comedy , the Communists , erotic fiction and you .
23 This size of miniature looks quite lovely when ranged together in small groups of two or three , and I think they look best of all when hanging in a straight vertical line ( see p. 101 ) .
24 ‘ I have got the fire in my belly again — that had gone at Wimbledon and I think they knew that .
25 He was bad all through , that one , and they were good folk They wanted rid of him for good , and I think they were a bit afraid he might come back , and then how could they turn him out ? ’
26 And I think they are graded slightly higher than the as , they they will come out at the same cost , same overall costs .
27 speaker that you 've put your questions and I think they 're sufficiently clear for the convenor to reply .
28 Chatham has attractions and I think they would try and carry on , but the impact of the injunction sought on their businesses would be very significant and the probability must be that they would have to cease operations .
29 thinking in , in , in the context of our , of our mission , this town wide mission , well that 's Billy 's job , he 's better at it than I am , but its not his job , its my job as much as its his and its your job as much as its mine , we do not well to keep silent these men they were troubled by their sin of silence , perhaps you and I should be troubled by our sin of silence because the extension of that , and here 's the really great thing , as far as they were concerned , the ex the , the ongoing because they were troubled by their sin of silence and they did something about it , they were thrilled at the sight that they saw , as they see the city being delivered , and as they see starving men and women eating food perhaps for the first time in days or weeks , buying good wholesome food at a reasonable price , that was the sigh that thrilled them and you can imagine them , and I think they 'd be entitled to a little bit of pride that I 'm glad we told them , I 'm glad we went back and shared the news apart from any thing we could n't of coped with all ourselves , it would of been so wrong to of kept it , it would of been so wrong just to of eaten it ourselves , I 'm glad we went back and told them .
30 They come once to Styal , they did n't come to Bullwood Hall , and I think they came to Askham Grange once .
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