Example sentences of "[coord] was [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 She saw no servants at all , and was on her way back to her room for lunch , when she heard a cry .
2 The child had been sent to fetch the doctor for a sick neighbour , and was on her way home again .
3 She put down the receiver and was on her way upstairs when the telephone rang .
4 She 'd been completely refitted in Gloucester docks and was on her way to Southampton via the Gloucester to Sharpness canal .
5 He strode after her , dumping it on the tiles in the entrance hall , and was by her side before she could escape .
6 She had borne seven children and was in her fifty-first year in 1773 , when , on that September Sunday evening she entertained , and played hostess overnight , to her famous English visitor and his plump little annotator from Edinburgh , who wrote of Flora : ‘ She is a little woman , of a genteel appearance , and uncommonly mild and well-bred . ’
7 She showered , dressed and snatched a cup of coffee on hurried auto-pilot , and was in her car on her way to her place of employment without any clear recollection of having done any of the three .
8 Mrs Johnston had been in the licensed trade for 10 years and was in her second spell at the Lion .
9 Mrs Johnston had been in the licensed trade for 10 years and was in her second spell at the Lion .
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