Example sentences of "[coord] it [was/were] not " in BNC.

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1 Either that Sardinian 's being there was coincidence or it was n't — and , for goodness ' sake , if it was n't —
2 And if you did n't want to do national curriculum levels or it was n't appropriate then you could continue your staff comment now or you could draw a wee picture there or something like that , you know ?
3 Either it was or it was n't .
4 Or it was n't a sadness that hurt , not an all-through one .
5 Or it was n't completely his fault .
6 When it became obvious that the strike was n't going to last a fortnight or it was n't going to last a month .
7 Either the place was worth searching or it was n't .
8 Adherence to this stated principle has never faltered , but other areas of concern took precedence and it was not until the late 1970s that this area of work was developed .
9 Mrs Doran just smiled — and it was not a pleasant smile .
10 It took a further eight years before classes got under way , and then only in medicine , and it was not till well into the 1850s that it became really established .
11 When Eliot in 1928 , loyally reciprocating services rendered , edited Pound 's Selected Poems , he insisted on excluding the propertius poem , and it was not until 1932 that Basil Bunting wrote , already retrospectively , ‘ In my considered opinion , ‘ Propertius ’ was the most important poem of our times , surpassing alike ‘ Mauberley ’ and ‘ The Waste Land ’ . ’
12 And it was not all deep depression yesterday , with the likes of Boots and Morgan Grenfell in fine form .
13 He came to a decision to which on the evidence before him he was entitled to come , and it was not a decision with which the court could properly interfere .
14 Dr Booth was admittedly ‘ horrified by the amount of fat it carried ’ and it was not until he saw wild boar in a wild life park in France that he realised the opportunities .
15 SHEFFIELD EAGLES were doubtless declaring themselves unofficial world club champions last night — and it was not the Stones Bitter talking .
16 The former chairman , Sir Phil Harris , soon sold his shares and it was not long before the new company was running off the rails .
17 Only towards the end of the 1920s did the central regime start to suppress Belorussian cultural institutions , and it was not until 1933 that general persecution of nationalism became prevalent in the area .
18 But Eliot continued to work on it , and it was not published until 1926–7 .
19 There were occasions when the leagues were of great help to the Conservatives , but their relationship to the party was often ambivalent and sometimes hostile , and it was not always easy to control their activities .
20 But it was not until the early 1930s that The Allegory of Love began to take shape as a book , and it was not finished until 1935 .
21 There was bound to be trouble and it was not long in coming .
22 And it was not the memory of their silent , desperate appeal that worried her .
23 But sometimes he seemed unnaturally flushed and lively — and it was not with drink .
24 It proved only a partial victory for Parker who had died in 1902 and it was not until 1919 that the first Moderators or de facto bishops were inducted to ensure higher , more uniform standards and greater control from London .
25 As a consequence the PFA continued to support George Eastham 's legal battle and it was not until 1964 that the case came to court and Sir Justice Wilberforce established the players ' legal right to the second freedom that had already been negotiated in 1961 .
26 Musicale was blocked for a run in the home straight and it was not until Pat Eddery secured an opening just over a furlong out that the filly looked likely to cut down Lord Huntingdon 's Wiedniu .
27 After switching codes at the age of 11 when he moved to senior school , he began life as a flanker and it was not until 1973 , when he had been playing for seven years , that he moved to tight-head prop .
28 And it was not alone .
29 To the waiters standing about it seemed to be perfectly stationary , but they were not members of the Chop Society and it was not their table .
30 For more than ten years Victoria fell into a state of decrepitude and assumed a ghost like appearance , and it was not until 1986 that final demolition was to take place to make way for an extension to the Victoria Hotel .
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