Example sentences of "[coord] it [adv] says " in BNC.

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1 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
2 chloric acid and it also says C O N C.
3 Well well with most word processors , you do n't use return , you just keep typing and it automatically says well I wo n't fit this .
4 It deals with pains like appendicitis , coley cystitis , which is inflammation of the gall bladder — about nine different diseases — and it merely says to you at the end of the operation based on the last five or six hundred patients I 've seen , the probability of this patient having appendicitis is ninety per cent , the probability of something else being ten per cent .
5 And it actually says here look .
6 You know I dug the information out again , I 've had a read through of it , and it actually says , were asked just to record all your , all your conversations .
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