Example sentences of "[coord] is not [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps that is the proposal — The hon. Member for Blackburn is not sure whether that is or is not his proposal .
2 When a patient is detained under the MHA 1983 , but the physical disorder is not caused by or is not itself the cause of a mental disorder , a restrictive interpretation of this proposal could lead to the ridiculous scenario of doctors having to wait for such a patient to deteriorate or become unconscious before medical treatment could be initiated under the protection of common law duty of care and the doctrine of necessity .
3 Kenny does n't give much away and is not one for great speeches .
4 But it is accepted by physicalists of all kinds that the meaning or semantic value of internal states must be analysed in terms of their causal relations to stimulus and response , just as it is for the behaviourist 's dispositions , and is not something they possess in their own right , or of themselves .
5 It is surely a question of maintaining an appropriate balance , and is not something that can be taken for granted .
6 This will rarely benefit an original recipient of the incorrect certificate because receipt of his certificate normally marks the conclusion of the transaction and is not something on which he relied in deciding to enter into it and because he should be aware of the true facts .
7 James Shelley Hamilton thought Black Legion was an exceptional film precisely because it was ‘ one of the best expositions of what genuine Americanism is and is not what the screen has produced ’ .
8 I thought the Conservative budget is a contemptible budget the people in the people voting or an increase in nursery provision increase in educational provision this is what we are trying to give , the Conservative party are trying to claw back , to cutting our budget , by two point six million pounds , that is not what people voted for and is not what people want .
9 Sadly , Christians have too often forgotten that the world belongs to Satan and is not our natural home ( as sons and daughters of the new humanity ) .
10 An author is and is not his book .
11 Second , if you are running your spur cable from an existing socket , you have to make sure that it is on the main circuit and is not itself a spur .
12 Eurodisney share offering is no Mickey Mouse operation : Eurodisney 's share offer has drawn crowds but is not one for widows and orphans
13 It preserve the attachment , but is not its cause .
14 I accept that what you say is well-meant but is not it possible that you yourself … ’
15 Language mirrors , but is not itself a part of , reality .
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