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1 Thus the priests were known in Hebrew as the Kohanim — the Cohens — and it is this name ( which Leonard later signified in his poetry by references to his ‘ blood ’ ) , which exerted most influence on Leonard , primarily in his formative years , but throughout his career — consciously and otherwise .
2 But this should not obscure from us the fact that Judaism resisted stoutly the prudery that stultified sexuality throughout the West , and always retained a high and honoured place for bodily functioning and its pleasures — as becomes indeed , a gift from God : ‘ Man and woman are one body and one soul , ( oneness reasserted , as ever ) , and it is this powerful union which it projects and enhances .
3 This is ‘ up front in consciousness ’ and it is this which determines his answer , in the absence of central control .
4 Its inventor Kevin Inkster started with a loose chain on a disc , and it is this formation that Toolbox have chosen .
5 ‘ Lord , what fools we mortals be ’ , are Shakespeare 's own words and it is this particular comment that Ashton has used as the keynote to the adventures in the forest .
6 And it is this approach which leads to denunciation of Derrida as a nihilist ; in Frederick Crews 's words , ‘ an intellectual nihilist , though a learned and exuberant one ’ .
7 This is perhaps inevitable since deconstruction resists teleology , and it is this resistance that has enabled its enemies to call it nihilist .
8 The culture of science looks for rapid and visible results , and it is this , despite occasional formal disavowals , that is setting the agenda .
9 Full sun is likely to shrivel the leaves and it is this , rather than the soil , that will spoil autumn display .
10 Conservatism , he argues , is essentially ‘ the persistent image of society as a command structure in which the responsibilities of leadership can be exercised within the framework of a strong State ’ , and it is this ‘ that distinguishes English Conservatism from rival ideologies ’ .
11 This continually recurring disharmony Marx attributes to the nature of class relations , and it is this which produces the forward movement of history .
12 But this is not the argument 's main thrust ; and it is this rather elusive second aspect which gives the book its definitive character .
13 ‘ Our Dublin plant has consistently failed to produce the expected results , and it is this unfortunate experience which will weigh heavily against any further investment in Eire ; in much the same way as it has weighed heavily against the UK .
14 The home ought to be a safe haven , the place where people go to get away from fear and violence , and it is this fundamental feeling of safety which can be destroyed by child sexual abuse .
15 During this time Coe was on the dole and living in Bermondsey , and it is this period of his life that gave him the basis for The Dwarves of Death .
16 I can only tell you what I think I 'd do in your position and it is this .
17 One thing is certain and it is this : God weeps inconsolably when man acts foolishly .
18 And it is this which explains the London Tories ' prolonged , teeth-gritting reluctance to recognise their Ulster colleagues .
19 Most of the people , just over two thirds , who spent all the last year of their life in a residential or nursing home were 85 or more , and it is this age group which is predicted to increase most rapidly in the next twenty years ( Central Statistical Office ( CSO ) , 1989 ) so it is likely that increasing numbers will spend the last year of their lives in such homes .
20 The debate , amongst both academics and practitioners , which emerged from these reports is still going on and it is this debate which is of interest to schools .
21 Assumptions now become part of the information system and it is this aspect which must not be overlooked by the manager .
22 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
23 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
24 It also exonerates the community from taking on some of these tasks — caring for the elderly , the chronically sick and the disabled , and it is this aspects of the emphasis on family responsibility that produces scepticism about the motivation of exponents of active citizenship : it is seen as a substitute for the state 's responsibility for the social element of the citizenship of entitlement .
25 In Adorno 's aesthetics , the value of the cultural and the aesthetic lies in difference and negation and it is this which is threatened by the commodification of culture .
26 Adorno 's critique , therefore , and in particular the critique of the Culture Industry is mounted from the increasingly beleaguered and restricted field of the avant garde , and it is this , in part , which wins it the current disapproval of the more enthusiastically affirmative , apparently democratic , or outright populist approaches to popular culture .
27 It is a text which explores the pain and grief caused by having one 's desires destroyed by the pressures of social convention and it is this set of emotions which has sustained its reputation in gay subcultures .
28 Terence Davies has apparently emerged from the representation of his social origins smelling of Art , and it is this very concept which mainstream criticism just can not get enough of , for at its best ( its most effective ) it denies the social world at the very moment that it represents it .
29 The provision of these conditions will encourage the buildup of soil life , particularly burrowing earthworms , and it is this active soil population which serves as the ‘ repair gang ’ to build an increasingly stable structure and to repair damage as it occurs .
30 This is what the Englishness of England is made of , and it is this sense of place and the particular which we are currently in danger of losing , just as we come to understand it more clearly .
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