Example sentences of "[coord] it can only " in BNC.

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1 It is doubtful whether the unfortunates impounded in the Lazzaretto had time to concern themselves with the aesthetic niceties of the building , and it can only be hoped that the church offered them some spiritual comfort .
2 The hunt has strong religious overtones , and it can only succeed if harmony and peace prevail .
3 But these are cropping up everywhere , and it can only be a matter of time before they become as common as the cold .
4 We need to bring it about , and it can only be done through teamwork .
5 He 'll be so glad it 's me that knows and it can only bring us closer together .
6 NERC is in a situation in which it can not please every department , and it can only achieve a limited degree of acceptability by adopting the negative posture of being seen not to be unfair to particular departments ( hence spreading small numbers of grants as widely as possible ) .
7 However , there is little doubt that this phenomenon is a most important one in our species and it can only be explained by assuming that , with the beginnings of hunting , neotenous changes suddenly became adaptive .
8 Teaching must be alive and it can only be alive in the present moment — it is time-consuming to try to make stale bread palatable , and why bother when fresh bread is available ?
9 But it is what we owe to Byrd , and it can only get easier the longer we spend with this daunting but rewarding music .
10 And my guess would be , and it can only be a guess , that if there actually was disagreement between a county and the prospective recipient of a new settlement , then I suspect that that the Secretary of State would not want such proposals to proceed .
11 In any case it costs nothing to hear it on FM radio these days , and it can only do orchestras good .
12 This seems fairly remarkable and it can only be assumed they are being kept awake by ghost stories and surveys about what people do in bed .
13 There is nothing to fear from this motion Congress , and it can only benefit the trade union movement .
14 But it can only happen , he wrote , if it is totally and utterly divorced from me .
15 Now , I do n't think we know what was the exact Sterling equivalent of the fall in our reserves during the last financial year , but it can only have been a minority of that total of £1and1/2 ; billion of public expenditure which was met neither by the product of taxation nor by borrowing from the public .
16 But it can only be a quirk ; and the force of its ‘ goodness ’ is strictly limited and circumscribed .
17 British cinema must grow up , but it can only do so by building on everything it has already created , even when that includes silly Hollywood ripoffs .
18 But it can only carry one 1,000lb ( 455kg ) warhead , or a set of 166 bomblets which can be dropped in three batches .
19 This cake is so moist that you do n't really need a frosting , but it can only enhanced with cream cheese frosting ( see below ) .
20 But it can only be performed well if there is a profound democratization of the structure of accountability .
21 As we have seen , congruence with ‘ verb bias ’ can facilitate role mapping directly , but it can only facilitate name mapping indirectly .
22 Under duress it may flee and hide , but it can only do this occasionally .
23 The AA also offers a cellphone , but it can only be used to call emergency services .
24 The finance director of one of the companies says he believes that the productivity increases attributable to IT are coming to an end : ‘ Auditors are getting more productive — but it can only go to a certain level . ’
25 A pedestal basin generally has a slightly larger washing area than a wall-hung basin ; it does n't need such a secure fixing , and the supporting pedestal hides the plumbing , but it can only be installed at one height .
26 Rounding up long-lost varsity chums for a rollicking angst-fest has always been a reliable dramatic wheeze , but it can only grab an audience by the short and curlies if you 're prepared to shed gallons of blood on the tracks .
27 We draw up the perfect guest list , and then go about extending the invitations — we have n't yet resorted to blackmail but it can only be a matter of time .
28 For public transport flights it is a very small risk indeed , but it can only be regarded as a prudent action to take out personal life insurance before one voluntarily exposes oneself to the hazards of flight .
29 So J must remain constant , but it can only remain constant if the tangential component of the electric field is constant as well .
30 Representation 3 : This also portrays the board as a list , but it can only represent boards which have queens in the bottom i rows for some i , and none in higher rows .
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