Example sentences of "[coord] in many way " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may be said that the duty is difficult to define , because when the act of negligence in manufacture occurs there was no specific person towards whom the duty could be said to exist : the thing might never be used : it might be destroyed by accident , or it might be scrapped , or in many ways fail to come into use in the normal way : in other words the duty can not at the time of manufacture be other than potential or contingent , and only can become vested by the fact of actual use by a particular person .
2 Squigs are unpredictable and in many way the best thing that can happen is for them to go wild once they are near the enemy .
3 The emphatic denigration contained in this locational insult had to be heard to be understood , and in many ways it paralleled the dismissive tone used to deride the ‘ civvy ’ , for nuances of speech and tone have immense meaning to insiders .
4 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
5 If we continued to exclude children , we are effectively excluding many women , we are excluding families and in many ways the men as well .
6 They deviated from central expectations and in many ways escaped from rigid control from above , but their local eccentricities did not upset Moscow 's broad calculations in the short term .
7 The turning-point — and in many ways the great divide of British politics since 1979 — came totally unexpectedly in March 1982 .
8 The second part of this second half of The Origin deals with Greece and Rome and in many ways again follows what Marx and Engels had written previously .
9 ‘ This spring collection is the most radical I 've ever shown and in many ways it marks a new beginning for me .
10 Every country in Europe was facing an explosion in demand for health care ; every country in Europe was spending substantial public resources upon health ; and in many ways our centrally run , centrally financed system was the most effective in controlling costs .
11 Governors are drawn from a cross-section of those that have an interest in the school and in many ways act as a market research test panel .
12 These were different , and in many ways more congenial , responses to the new classicism , but the Beaux-Arts was soon to reign supreme and supplant totally the nineteenth-century eclectic styles .
13 They have not long entered the twentieth century and in many ways still live in the past .
14 It is in some ways surprising that , even in 1965 , the idea of a comprehensive school should still seem novel , and in many ways startling .
15 This means , then , that the transsexual may obtain the necessary documentation of the new sex , and in many ways carry on as ‘ normal ’ a life as possible in the new role .
16 With this historic and rewarding set EMI are able to show us that they have an artist in every way as important as Horowitz , and in many ways less affected .
17 Snaith was a Peculiar , ie it had its own ecclesiastical court and in many ways it was exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop , which may explain the fact that the Bishop 's inspectors came to interview the brothers at Snaith for reported ‘ indiscretions ’ and were unable to carry out their inspection because the brothers had summoned the ferry to the Snaith bank so they could not cross the river !
18 He is also the favourite and in many ways he has more charisma .
19 WHILE the Dakota hogs all the limelight , there are aircraft to be found that approach ( and in many ways , surpass ) the do-it-all image of that ubiquitous aircraft .
20 These were the latest and in many ways most impressive codification of the law of war , the 1977 Geneva Protocols additional to the 1949 Conventions .
21 ‘ THE YEAR 1991/92 has been a difficult , and in many ways a frustrating one for the Trust .
22 Furthermore , the models of ‘ subject ’ teaching which dominated ( and in many ways still do ) experimental work were part of this process .
23 But of course these rights were contained within an ideological framework which stressed domesticity and in many ways , as we know , worked to restress the importance of female chastity .
24 Still greater than these difficulties was Bonar Law 's stubborn ( and in many ways sensible ) resolve not to accept a massive continuing burden .
25 Although an intensely private person , and in many ways an unusual one , Basil had a most affecting belief in the place of art in the lives of those culturally much simpler and perhaps more worldly than himself .
26 VFM auditing is not new , and in many ways Britain is now only explicitly upon a path that other countries have already followed .
27 Nyoman Batuan , our landlord and village headman , became our friend , mentor , and in many ways our gateway to understanding the psychology of the nation .
28 Despite a disciplinary record that reflects his competitive nature , Trevor has a lot of skill and in many ways is a credit to the side .
29 Although she did not deny that he was handsome and in many ways attractive , she could not envisage herself in an intimate relationship with him .
30 He was energetic and in many ways successful .
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