Example sentences of "[coord] in our case " in BNC.

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1 It is the property of the Widow and the Orphan who regard it as safe in your Hands , & in our case moreover it is the property of the Sovereign of the country who selects us for the deposit because he expects ( & expressly has declared that to be his motive ) to find in us , the nice Honour of Gentleman added to the common honesty & Integrity of Men of Business . ’
2 Living on sunshine , or in our case metal halide lighting , is not an easy concept to appreciate , but sunlight is the basic energy source for a coral reef 's food production .
3 And then comes the hard work as , like packing your holiday case , you have to whittle down all that you would like to take — or in our case , grow — to the short list .
4 What is more important than gender is the personality and skill of the fieldworker in overcoming the feelings of suspicion the police have of all outsiders , especially in the more enclosed and threatened world of the RUC , and in our case the field-worker 's gender seemed no bar to her obtaining access to the masculine ‘ canteen culture ’ of the men or to participating in conversations on the topics which are popular in that culture , which van Maanen describes as ‘ sports , cars and sex ’ ( 1981 : 476 ) .
5 Looking back there was no sibling rivalry problem and in our case ‘ prevention may well have been better than cure ’ . ’
6 It is of course a great advantage if the organization starts , so to speak , with this in place and in our case I believe our scientific heritage and background lead naturally to a wish to hear , dissect and learn from others ' views .
7 In Figure 6.10 this point is P , and in our case would typically be the centre of a planet .
8 Warning bells of our recent downturn began to ring quietly in 1989 , louder in 1990 , and in our case , resulted in the closure of Kirkcaldy Maltings in 1992 .
9 Thus while it is important to always play you 're best side AND in our case this must involve finishing high enough up the table to get a place in europe , we must keep players like Rocky and continue to play them in the first team .
10 The injunction which still holds good is that we should use our resources with as much single-mindedness and astuteness as the unjust steward displayed but in our case to further the interests of the Kingdom of God .
11 The Fourier transform times depend on the computer used , but in our case can take around 100 ms .
12 But in our case the blue awning read , ‘ Charlie Trumper , the honest trader , founded 1823 ’ .
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