Example sentences of "[coord] something [adv] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thought he might have hurt himself or something so I came out to have a look .
2 I bought this really expensive one , you know I was ca n't remember a wedding or something so I had to buy something .
3 off the wall to do summat and just re-cement or something so I 've got ta wash my toothbrush , and tooth and wash my face in the kitchen sink .
4 And something else I learnt in Saint-Jean is that where there is one superior restaurant there will be other good ones , not rivals so much as supporters ; this in my experience is a particularly good town to dine in .
5 For about a year , since the summer before last , in fact , I had been writing to her and she to me and , because of the distance and something else I have n't been able to put my finger on ( maybe a need for excitement ) , the letters had become more and more sentimental , more and more loving , more and more like proper love letters .
6 Oh and something else I heard yeah and this does n't get anywhere cos Lucy erm told me and did n't tell anyone but erm she was talking to Tom about erm Laura and Dave and apparently s while George and erm Dave were going out they actually planned they were gon na get back together .
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