Example sentences of "[coord] never [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , some may never have placed such emphasis on independence in their lives , or never felt that they had very much independence in the first place .
2 I did just what I had to do , and never realised that it was my best .
3 ‘ Think twice before you employ members of your own family and never assume that anyone will pay their debts . ’
4 It only becomes conspicuous after an attack has started , and never provokes that attack .
5 Hugh and Joyce Gardiner have been with Timex for a total of 44 years and never believed that their fight could have reached such a pitch .
6 He has a right to come face to face with me , and judge for himself whether he can honourably deliver them , and never fear that he is helping to lure a brave man to his death . ’
7 Even the loss of Conway castle in his absence , a ridiculous incident enough , and costly , he could turn to appreciative laughter , and never grudge that the laughter , at second-hand if not directly , was against himself .
8 Designers of plant , processes or systems of work must always take into account human fallibility and never presume that those who operate or maintain plant or systems have full and continuous appreciation of essential features .
9 There was a determination in her eyes now that was almost frightening ; how little Angelica had understood , she now realised , reading only the surface and never suspecting that any of this lay beneath .
10 And never forget that mothers are very precious people .
11 I am delighted to find you have been so successful in your Expedition : I heartily pray you may continue so to the end and safely return to Old England : I am much pleased too at hearing your health has not been affected in the slightest degree : pray be careful and never forget that upon your safety , hinges the welfare of numbers . ’
12 And never forget that he also means trouble , so watch your tongue when you 're in his presence .
13 A penny novelette plot you might think , but Susan Hill deals with the themes of love and jealousy with such delicacy and such understanding of what might happen but never does that this , her first novel for 16 years , is equal to her best .
14 But never mind that , ’ she added hastily .
15 But never forget that snakes are more sinned against then sinning .
16 But never forget that He will forgive those who are sorry for any evil they have done .
17 Letters and I are enemies but never think that I forget you or the others .
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