Example sentences of "[coord] more from [art] " in BNC.

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1 This compares with 18 litres a minute or more from a storage system .
2 If you want to use dropper bottles they can be obtained singly from dispensing chemists or in quantities of 50 or more from The Homœopathic Supply co. ( tel. 0263 824683 )
3 In other parts of the town , a kilometre or more from the vent , the ash fall was thinner and damage proportionally less .
4 Behind the first line of colonists is a second , and a third , and so on , some families being 10 km or more from the road along a muddy footpath .
5 Settlement can be a drawn out affair and can take as long as six months or more from the time your debt became overdue .
6 Twenty per cent of council properties ( mostly flats ) lack gardens and a high proportion are three floors or more from the ground , which is rare in private accommodation .
7 We got lost in Nuneaton trying to get back on the M6 , and were now heading through Lancashire at dusk , still an hour or more from the border .
8 It catastrophically invaded the loess-covered Columbia Plateau in south-eastern Washington … and reached Pacific Ocean level via the Columbia River , 430 miles or more from the glacial dam .
9 From the moment Ezra left the Anglo-Saxon world he began to suffer more and more from the isolation of his intellectual exile .
10 Even so , the unpleasantness of these duties arises less from contact with things which the police consider either literally or metaphorically unclean ( such as decomposed bodies and the ‘ dregs and scum of society ’ ) , and more from the risk the police run of displaying emotion .
11 I settled in pretty quickly , though suffering a bit from culture shock and more from the realisation that I was semi-illiterate in the Thai language : I had the ability to communicate verbally but at a child 's level and almost no ability to read .
12 Women 's claims to maintenance , however , are still derived less from their labour-market activities or the state and more from the men to whom they are married ( or with whom they cohabit ) .
13 ‘ When we had ascended a little more than half-way , I was much afraid we should have been doomed to return , on account of the masses of rock , over which we had to climb , beginning to increase in size ; we knew , however , that a descent would have been attended with infinite danger , and being urged on partly by eagerness in our pursuit , but more from a desire to be at the top , we determined to brave every difficulty .
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