Example sentences of "[coord] more in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Recently such movements have involved up to 960 birds in one spring , and movements of 100 or more in a day are almost annual events ; 488 flying east off Beachy Head on 19 April 1976 is the largest single movement noted so far .
2 Greater and lesser frequency existed in about equal proportions , but nearly twice as many of this married population had intercourse only once a week , or less often , than had intercourse three times or more in a week .
3 Meanwhile 21 industrialized countries , gathered under the auspices of IEA , had elaborated an oil-sharing arrangement to be invoked in the event of any disruption which caused a shortfall of 7 per cent or more in a member country 's normal supply arrangements .
4 Was Rocky in Strach 's left sided role or more in a Batty-esque type of slot .
5 Back in Moose Jaw , busy with newspaper and radio work , it was not long before I was engaged in preparing and delivering a series of illustrated talks on musical appreciation on Wednesday evenings to audiences of 900 or more in the public auditorium of the Technical School .
6 Finally , the mortality rate is such that although toads can live for 40 years or more in captivity , only about 1 per cent of the population live to be eight years or more in the wild .
7 Keeping on the go can become a habit and there are very many people who could manage to let up for ten minutes or more in the course of most days , with a bit of careful planning .
8 A significant deterioration in cognitive function was defined as two or more consecutive increments of 5% or more in the mean time taken for a correct response and of 2% or more in the error rate with the last of the five euglycaemic test scores used as baseline .
9 A significant deterioration in cognitive function was defined as two or more consecutive increments of 5% or more in the mean time taken for a correct response and of 2% or more in the error rate with the last of the five euglycaemic test scores used as baseline .
10 There seems to have been a windmill for practically every village and sometimes two or more in the market towns .
11 No other person has reported an interest of 3% or more in the ordinary shares .
12 And four coming to light argues forty or more in the dark , most likely for good . ’
13 Since 1952 , when the New Hampshire election was first seriously contested , no President had been re-elected after a challenger in his party had scored 35 per cent or more in the state 's primary .
14 A high percentage of the funds required ( 80 per cent or more in the early fifties ) was supplied cheaply by the Japan Development Bank .
15 All the features of our X-Yachts and more in a roomier boat ideal for family cruising .
16 They may not be able to fly and one does n't like to enquire too deeply into how elegant they look below the waterline , but steamer ducks — their wings gyrating through the water like paddle-wheels — can make 12 knots , and more in a following wind .
17 In spite of the ructions that ensued when the announcement was made — namely IBM 's and DEC 's decision to cut Technology off , it managed to double throughput and more in a matter of months and has contributed around 20% of the spoils in ICL UK 's coffers .
18 For , once we have made the first approach to the Landshut Virgin and acquired a first set of impressions , the changeableness of the figure begins to work on us further , now less in the dimension of greater or lesser distance and more in the angle of view .
19 The society claims , however , that recent votes show it has 3-1 support in the House of Lords and more in the Commons .
20 Six barrages on the Indus itself , and more in the river 's tributaries , have created impassable barriers , preventing seasonal migrations and separating and isolating different populations .
21 The specialist team receives more referrals from medical sources and more in the form of requests for general assessment , though these are not synonymous .
22 He had , from the beginning , no doubts of the direction in which it would be necessary and right to move : the War , he argued , ‘ is moving us more and more in the direction of Labour 's ideas and ideals ’ .
23 She had caught a glimpse of Heaven ; had seen adoration and more in the gaze of a handsome prince who would one day be king of England .
24 With some of the best printed T-shirts to emerge this year , expect to see the Mooks lightbulb devil logo more and more in the coming months .
25 Forest Wind made a spectacular debut when hammering his rivals by 10 lengths and more in the Vodapage Maiden Stakes at Goodwood .
26 Other techniques , such as echo-sounding and soil scanning radar , are currently being developed , and are likely to be used more and more in the future for accurate location and surveying of sites .
27 [ I ] t seems to me that we are moving more and more in the direction of an elective dictatorship , not the less objectionable in principle because it is inefficient in practice , and not the less tyrannical in its nature because the opposed parties , becoming more and more polarized in their attitudes , seek with some prospects of success to seize the new levers of power and use them alternately to reverse the direction taken by their immediate predecessors .
28 As the state had come to intervene more and more in the field of welfare provision it fed the ethic of equality and broke down the constraining check of deference ( of poor people in their place ) , so itself contributing to a growing lobby for " more " and " better " public provision .
29 It has always been noticed that information technology skills , of which we shall need more and more in the coming years , have tended to lag behind the demand for those skills .
30 Yet their fuel bills will rise by an average of £2 a week and more in the colder areas .
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