Example sentences of "[coord] more [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Most of the pilots were unconcerned if they were five feet or more to the side on their first attempts .
2 This can add £100 or more to the cost of the printer .
3 In any event , we have stressed that the perceptions relate as much or more to the informal context within which teachers and advisory staff work as to formal procedures .
4 Yet all around there is no-one listening , or more to the point reacting .
5 Rather than travel a mile or more to the medieval church , many Thurlstoners turned to Nonconformity .
6 So far the ‘ live ’ forays of this ‘ grunge circus ’ ( sick , or more to the point sick ) have resulted in bans by outraged councillors in Portsmouth and Bristol and concerned universities in Edinburgh .
7 But when thrifts went bust in their hundreds in 1989 , necessitating a federal rescue that could cost the taxpayer $500 billion or more over the next 30 years , the goalposts were abruptly moved for junk borrowers , too .
8 He will head a start-up team of seven staff which is expected to grow to a dozen or more over the next six to nine months .
9 He will head a start-up team of seven staff which is expected to grow to a dozen or more over the next six to nine months .
10 For symptom scores a significant increase was defined as a rise in score of two points or more over the score at euglycaemia , again for two or more consecutive readings .
11 If you want to ‘ fix ’ every ad in a campaign , you can pay 20 per cent or more over the basic rate-card cost , especially if you fix in premium positions .
12 A QUARTER of top managers received pay rises of 21pc or more over the past year , according to a survey out yesterday .
13 There was probably a space eighteen inches deep or more between the roof of the car and that of the tunnel .
14 Because of the rigidity of the lithosphere , down-flexure may extend for 150km or more beyond the area of sediment loading .
15 Often a solicitor will know as much or more about the history of local land as anyone .
16 Barrett 's oesophagus was diagnosed if the columnar mucosa extended 3 cm or more into the oesophagus above the gastro-oesophageal junction .
17 In a few seconds the fuse caught , and after about ten seconds the mass of flame blew up and out , throwing something black and smoking twenty metres or more into the late-afternoon air and scattering pieces all over the Grounds .
18 I remember that it could whack a fist-sized stone well over the creek and twenty metres or more into the undulating ground on the mainland , and once I got keyed into its natural rhythm I could send off a shot every two seconds .
19 But in most circumstances , the focus will tend to be either more on the maintenance of social relations , or more on the conveying of information clearly , concisely and unambiguously .
20 ‘ Even so ’ , said W.R. Cornish and G. de N. Clark in their Law and Society in England 1750–1950 , ‘ there was a growing feeling that a system which sent 10,000 or so debtors into prisons each year ( a quarter or more on the mesne process ) was too expensive , too indiscriminate , too open to abuse and overweening pressure . ’
21 However it applied only to firms with 15 or more on the payroll .
22 Multiple ulcers ( two or more at the time of diagnosis ) ;
23 Introduced by the Chancellor in the 1990 Budget , this scheme allows individuals to make single gifts to charities of£400 or more with the benefit of tax relief .
24 In politics he is that which of all things least resembles a democrat — an aristocratic republican who thinks ‘ nothing more agreeable to the order of nature or more for the interest of mankind than that the less should yield to the greater , not in numbers but in wisdom and virtue ’ .
25 In an exceptionally dry year ( when straw is already dried out at mowing time ) the corn may be carted without stooking , but normally it should be left in the field for a week or more for the straw to dry and the grain to harden .
26 Choose a sun protection factor of 15 or more for the first few days .
27 New figures show that many millions of homes in London and the South East face crippling bills of £800 or more for the new tax .
28 If the CFTC wins its case , its charges could result in fines of $1m or more for the exchange .
29 Five questions produced success rates of 50 per cent or more for the bottom band pupils , and for seven questions between 40 per cent and 50 per cent obtained the correct answer .
30 ‘ You 'd asked about your car , and I told you that it could take a week or more for the garage to locate the part they needed . ’
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