Example sentences of "[coord] more [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 From lst October 1990 , there is also a new scheme called GIFT AID which allows you to give sums of £600 or more to a charity tax-effectively ( with a maximum of £5 million for your total charitable donations in any one tax year ) .
2 Tipping can add £40 or more to a 10-day cruise , but some cruise lines have abolished the custom .
3 The SAS Royal Hotel invites all Amsterdam Travel Service guests staying 3 nights or more to a free 3-course dinner in the Palmboom Restaurant ( excluding drinks ) .
4 The Hotel American invites all Amsterdam Travel Service guests who stay 3 nights or more to a free dinner .
5 Business people — no longer prepared to spend five hours or more on a daytime Euston-Glasgow journey — had switched to air , while leisure travellers had been lured away by the bargain-priced coaches .
6 Each pair handed in before June 13th entitles you to a £20 voucher against any purchases of £60 or more on a new pair form Boots .
7 The Paris Club agreed that individual members could make further cuts of 10 per cent or more on a bilateral basis .
8 Inch by inch — then , as loose shale slid frighteningly from under her feet , a sudden foot or more at a time — Sheila made her way perilously down the slope .
9 Five , six and seven year olds are perfectly capable of working on drama for an hour and a half or more at a time , but they need very clear tasks , strong images and narratives which are intriguing and above all dramatic .
10 Interest is paid gross to all customers investing £50,000 or more for a fixed term of at least seven days .
11 And Financial Assurance ( 081–367 6000 ) was paying 8.05% on £5,000 or more for a period of four years .
12 Recently such movements have involved up to 960 birds in one spring , and movements of 100 or more in a day are almost annual events ; 488 flying east off Beachy Head on 19 April 1976 is the largest single movement noted so far .
13 Greater and lesser frequency existed in about equal proportions , but nearly twice as many of this married population had intercourse only once a week , or less often , than had intercourse three times or more in a week .
14 Meanwhile 21 industrialized countries , gathered under the auspices of IEA , had elaborated an oil-sharing arrangement to be invoked in the event of any disruption which caused a shortfall of 7 per cent or more in a member country 's normal supply arrangements .
15 Was Rocky in Strach 's left sided role or more in a Batty-esque type of slot .
16 This compares with 18 litres a minute or more from a storage system .
17 Under section 518 of the Companies Act 1985 if you are owed £750 or more by a company and it is overdue you can serve that company with a notice requesting payment within 21 days .
18 And , in the country at large , the administration is seen more and more as a high-tax collector .
19 Travel companies are featuring Japan more and more as a destination in their brochures , and more foreign visitors are encountering the Japanese way of hotels .
20 According to Bulpitt , ‘ in so far as monetarism was associated … with ‘ arms ' length ’ , anti-corporatist government , then … the statecraft ( of monetarism ) must be viewed as less a radical break with the past and more as an attempt to reconstruct it' .
21 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
22 The increasing affluence of the rural population wrought by the urban middle-class exodus has tended to mask the continuing and severe pockets of poverty which exist in the countryside and has led the ‘ problem ’ of rural housing to be regarded less as a problem of social welfare and more as an issue concerning land use planning and countryside preservation .
23 The first is that of the relationship between theory and practice , about which much has been heard since the Second World War as higher education has been used more and more as an entry route by professions seeking higher status .
24 He was behaving more and more as an autocrat , The State of emergency inherited form Mossadeq had been lifted only on 1956 .
25 At the same time , at the level of practical pedagogy , there is a counter-tendency in the study of the national canon to concentrate more and more on a small and diminishing number of texts .
26 I have … often been worried that we are imposing more and more on a system of collective ministerial decision-taking that was designed for quite a different era .
27 In Britain support for families has focused less on parent education and teaching parenting skills and more on a range of informal support services ( De'Ath , 1982 , 1983 ) .
28 I am drawn more and more to a resurrected belief in the marginal and its value-in-itself , beyond any consideration of its power to infect pop 's arterial thoroughfares .
29 Tensions submerged in the earlier campaign now came to the fore and led more and more to a coercive policy of sexual regulation , especially of working-class prostitutes .
30 Kleinwort Benson Private Bank ( 071–956 6600 ) will manage discretionary portfolios of £250,000 and more for an annual fee of 0.75% of the total portfolio .
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