Example sentences of "[coord] who could [be] " in BNC.

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1 The next day belonged to Devon Malcolm , a man who came into the Test team a few months earlier against Australia with a reputation for being able to bowl extremely quickly but rarely accurately , who , with less than perfect eyesight , was a total rabbit with the bat , and who could be a joke as a fielder .
2 In particular , there are 125 Tory MPs who have less than 50 per cent of the votes in their constituency , and who could be susceptible to removal by tactical voting .
3 And who could be cast in the inevitable biopic of the greatest living Irishman ?
4 Brandt 's successor , appointed on 16 May 1974 , was Helmut Schmidt , a pragmatic , intelligent man , who had been critical of Brandt 's leadership at times , and who could be brusque and impatient .
5 To make sure that none of the macho details went to waste , the full , inside story of Washington 's awesome display of military prowess was entrusted to Steven Emerson of US News & World Report , who had shown in the past that he knew how to treat a government ‘ scoop ’ with respect , and who could be relied upon to resist the kind of sceptical impulse that sometimes afflicts reporters with a wider readership .
6 And who could be sure that such secrets could be kept from the spy network still strong in every dormitory and classroom ?
7 But who knows out of the 20,000 people who visited the event this year , there may be similar people to my brother and me who enjoy music to the full and who could be in the top three next year !
8 Most of the children who seroconverted and who could be located 13–17 months after vaccination remained seropositive ( table III ) .
9 Behind every great candidate , there has to be a great agent and who could be better than Mr Joe McLean MBE , the Conservative agent for Bishop Auckland , with his 41 years ' experience ?
10 well then my Lord ah my Lord not all objective criteria and this I think is very important because you can have objective criterias as I , as I submitted last week that would be erm in order to trade in this market you must have capital of twenty million pounds and ten years experience , but that 's uniform rule , it does n't discriminate it 's objective , but it would be anti competitive because here you are setting up the most important market er in this , erm as they say in Europe for the project futures market and you 're excluding people who could be in there trading and who could be effecting the market
11 The Grade V test was , therefore , taken by a number of students who had no particular interest in the theory of music , but who could be pushed through the test provided that they could learn the requirements and carry them out without too much in the way of understanding .
12 It was clear that funds were being embezzled but who could be doing it ?
13 She knew vaguely there was a wonderful person everyone was talking about , but who could be more wonderful to a wide-eyed seven year old than the sight of their own father guarding a flag with gold tassels ?
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