Example sentences of "[coord] what can be " in BNC.

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1 Syllabus makers appear to suffer from a sad tendency to measure curriculum content by what is contained in the syllabus and textbooks rather than by what is , or what can be , absorbed by the learners .
2 As people get wealthier right , one of the , they not only demand more goods , but they demand a wider variety of what is essentially or what can be classified as the same good .
3 The great British films all tap into a problem , the gap between what is felt and what can be expressed , that is universal but gains a particular inflection from being seen in the British context .
4 Nothing changes/feelings shift , move endlessly in circles/moths beating at glass endlessly/all that energy expended on nothing/no-one lets you in/desire and what can be desired are all fixed within strict parameters/ established as everything you 're not/desire written against your body/encoded in all the spaces which are not you/contours which are not yours/you occupy the gap between desire and fulfilment/absence of choice/no choice at all/why are moths nocturnal when so strongly attracted to light ?
5 Emotionally troubled people can not be expected to deal with their emotions until they are able to understand what those emotions are , how they have arisen , and what can be done to overcome them .
6 Later we shall come to look at the practical areas where conflict is most often experienced and what can be done about it .
7 And what can be done about it ?
8 But these men could do much more to help , not only their partners , but themselves , if only they understood what the menopause is and what can be done to alleviate the problems .
9 It is generally true that if organisations try to set up such functions in-house , they are unlikely to keep and retain the best people ; thus there is always a gulf between the in-house employees and their performance and what can be obtained in the way of services by using external consultants to undertake the job .
10 The Boeing 707 is a big aeroplane , and sorting out what is important and necessary to the more detailed examination that is to follow and what can be cut off and discarded as scrap requires sound judgement .
11 All these people are , as I have mentioned , civil servants because it is a government responsibility to have a competent organisation which will establish how and why members of the public are killed or maimed in aircraft accidents and what can be done to reduce the risks of flying .
12 If we accept that public opinion broadly comes in two varieties : the popular and what can be regarded as the informed , each of the two strands is clearly visible whenever Parliament addresses the topic of criminal justice .
13 This done , the next broad area to be covered was the need to examine the various models of community economic development , how local people can be involved in the process of regenerating their areas , how the process can best be facilitated and what can be realistically achieved .
14 If the teacher seemed quite happy with the episode involved , then in discussion after the lesson the observer can try to gather how the teacher feels about the intended pattern of behaviour , why it did not occur , and what can be done .
15 However , she said : ‘ The caring 90s is a current media theme , and has more to do with caring about what is happening to the British society and what can be done about it , than about spending more to underpin the disadvantaged and the dependent . ’
16 No signed or documented work by her is known and what can be assembled as an oeuvre emerges from the few surviving miniatures between 1545 and 1575 .
17 This was perhaps the most fundamental bone of contention between Adorno 's high modernist aesthetic ( Wellmer 1984–5 ) and what can be understood as Benjamin 's postmodernist alternative .
18 The guide outlines what harassment is and what can be done to combat the problem both formally and informally .
19 It was stupid — but it just seemed like the last straw , Tom , and what can be done ?
20 In the production context , of course , what can be bought are resources , and what can be sold are products . [ … ]
21 I know that he has first-hand experience of the benefits of GM schools , as the school that used to be known as Wold Newton transferred to grant-maintained status a few months ago and is showing the way and what can be achieved as a result of a move to grant-maintained status .
22 An amnesty campaign is one way in which police forces can draw a great deal of local attention to the threat of knives and what can be done about it .
23 The Centre 's major current research is on unemployment , asking why the level of unemployment has been so high , and what can be done about it .
24 The empirical approach is concerned with what is and what can be seen and touched , proceeding on the basis of testing and retesting and largely rejecting dogma and abstract or coherent grand designs for change .
25 To protect the defendant , separate forms of judgment explain both how judgment was entered ( eg in default , on acceptance ) and what can be done if judgment has been wrongly entered .
26 The problem is that annuity rates fall as interest rates fall , so is it a good time to buy an annuity when interest rates are low and what can be done about it ?
27 Why is this and what can be done about it ?
28 It 's expected to look at the affect of the closure and what can be done about it .
29 But what can be done ?
30 Clearly there are few barriers to filling the site 's personal computer with survey data , but what can be done with it ?
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