Example sentences of "[coord] what your [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That depends on whether you know who or what your enemies are , Li Shai Tung . ’
2 Once you go through reception they do n't know what you 're like , or what your background is , but they tend to be rough with you and push you and see how far they can go — and most of the girls crack .
3 Such clichés fill her first speech of welcome to Wilekin with a set of offers that for the reader and writer are ironically naive in the context of which we are aware : ( " If you like , come and sit , and what your will is , let me know , my dear life .
4 One major part of the ongoing work of the Working Party is to discover what opportunities are being provided by a range of different agencies and what your attitudes are to the provision of opportunities for young people .
5 A solicitor will tell you whether you have a case and what your chances of succeeding in any claim might be ; he or she will advise you where — Court or Tribunal — and will explain the procedure and steps to be taken throughout , and will represent you in negotiations with your employer if you wish .
6 Write down exactly what you hope to do with your new horse and what your priorities are ; perhaps you want to hack and compete in Riding Club events , or maybe you want to concentrate on dressage or show jumping .
7 and what your views are on some of these settlements that have been made ?
8 and what your dad had set for , for all this and
9 Aware of how you feel and what your body is telling you .
10 You need to have a thorough understanding of that from your management on how your going to get paid , and what your financing levels are , Okay ?
11 Make sure they know what 's really going on in your mind , and what your objectives are .
12 Yes erm , we 've actually linked with a firm of independent mortgage brokers erm so rather than being tied to a particular building society as most estate agents are erm what they will do is they 'll shop around and tell you which lenders are offering the best terms and particularly good schemes at any one time erm , it 's literally free information they simply phone you up and say get some idea of what your salary is and what your requirements are and then they 'll send through some information for you .
13 Things like what it feels like to kiss you , the way you talk and smile , and what your hands are like when they hold mine .
14 She thought instead of The Mill on the Floss , that cruel social history of English religion , locating its true centre in the Lares and Penates , a dense structure of things which defined who you were and what your relation to others was , spotted damask , sprigged china , the graduated expense and display of bonnets kept to be worshipped rather than worn .
15 You know how your vehicles are performing and what your fleet 's running costs are .
16 These can be fairly reliable , but what your friend may have neglected to tell you is to what wind direction the water is best suited .
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