Example sentences of "[coord] there may be " in BNC.

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1 In such cases there is a reluctance to part with the house except on impossible terms : on a short lease or without any land to give it a moderate degree of privacy ; or there may be restrictions on the uses that are allowed — community uses only , perhaps , to be financed from public funds , which are not forthcoming .
2 The proposal may be to replace just a single building or a row of shops , or there may be plans for a comprehensive redevelopment involving a whole block or more .
3 So , depending on where you live , there may be quite a lot of help to call upon , or there may be very little .
4 There may either be a personnel officer who interviews all staff for a fairly large company , or there may be one person who will be so closely involved with the new employee that she/he seems the inevitable person to carry out the interview .
5 An attack may be totally sudden or there may be prior warning .
6 For example , auditors may require a revaluation for the balance sheet to be stated to show a true and fair view ; or there may be considerable delay before the market improves .
7 Societies may choose to emphasize the ‘ fecund ’ side of the feminine , by exalting an image of woman that is plump and heavy-breasted , or there may be a preference for a youthful , virginal beauty , with ‘ natural ’ styles of hair and a slim figure to go with it .
8 Emotions may come flooding in as soon as the baby is born , or there may be a sense of detachment which lasts hours or days .
9 Or there may be an element of retaliation for past suffering .
10 One sibling may care for another , or there may be a three-pension household .
11 If you write it yourself it may turn out to be invalid , or there may be legal ambiguities in what you thought were clear requests .
12 Vision may be good or there may be total blindness or one of any gradations in between .
13 Or there may be a list of possible answers , of which at least one must be ticked .
14 For example , scar tissue may form or there may be a disturbance to the blood supply , both of which can affect the working of adjacent regions .
15 There may be one scheme that applies to everyone in the organisation or there may be a variety of schemes for different grades of employee .
16 However there is not always a suitable candidate from the Imperial house , or there may be another powerful count who is preferred .
17 Or there may be regret for the loss of the rewards of professionalism , as in this woman 's comments about nursing :
18 Cleanliness may be the basic aim , with untidiness tolerated ; or there may be an attitude of ‘ a place for everything and everything in its place ’ while the dust under the beds and the dirt hidden in crevices pass relatively unnoticed .
19 If the cutting edge digs in then stop immediately and cut from the other direction , or there may be danger of a piece splitting away .
20 If the services of a district nurse are needed , she may be contacted by telephone or there may be a community liaison service in your hospital , in which case a member of the community nursing team will visit the ward and meet the patient .
21 Or there may be a requirement that before the body exercises its power , a certain state of affairs must exist as a preliminary requirement , the correct state of affairs is a prerequisite to the exercise of the power .
22 The organization of women in the controlled zones varies considerably depending on the region : either one of the women 's organizations has taken on the task or there may be a women 's committee of the Popular Power Council .
23 As a result , some legs may step in pairs or there may be three legs in motion at once — two on one side of the body and one on the opposite side .
24 Or there may be one X chromosome ( from the mother ) and one Y chromosome ( from the father ) in which case the Y chromosome will be dominant and the new individual will be male .
25 Or there may be a prescribed test of mathematics before you can proceed to advanced mathematics , or a prescribed standard of attainment in maths before you can begin electrical engineering .
26 The matter may be sub judice or there may be other people to consult .
27 Black workers may work in industries particularly hard-hit in the recession , or there may be a high proportion in particular age-groups ( like the young or old ) who are particularly prone to unemployment .
28 Or there may be lateral substitution , with people moving sideways into kinds of work which are different from , though often related to , their initial training .
29 Or there may be a difference of opinion between two countries : for example , whether uniforms should be black , white , red or grey .
30 Apart from growth lines , the outer surface of the shell may be smooth , or there may be a series of raised ridges ( cords ) running down the whorls at right angles to the lip .
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