Example sentences of "[coord] would n't [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , latest th er Microfit not only gives you the test statistic but gives you erm the significance level , probability value er which erm that test statistic is significantly different from zero right so if we are looking at that serial correlation test statistic of two point zero eight right we would accept the null hypothesis of er no serial correlation , right , or would n't be able to reject it strictly .
2 The man should have seen that he was a different sort of case and would n't be there for long .
3 They were to have school in the afternoons and would n't be starting until Friday .
4 Pardy had almost admitted that he knew that — but had stopped just short and would n't be fooled into such a damning admission now .
5 So jacking up your son or daughter 's A level grade at Easter in all three subjects would take three weeks and would n't be cheap .
6 The little volume , which deals with cooking out of doors for motorists , cyclists , campers , walkers , and fishermen has never been translated into English and would n't be of much practical use to us if it were , because the majority of the recipes are based on the products to be bought at the " village charcutier " , an institution which does n't exist in the British Isles .
7 She was beginning to feel quite mournful when she remembered that Meredith was a Catholic and would n't be allowed in the church .
8 Our universe might be like that — it might have an infinite number of galaxies — but if so , it will have to go on for ever in all directions and would n't be the sort where an astronaut could do a round trip in a straight line .
9 Suffice it to say that I have n't had a single problem since on either machine , and would n't be surprised if David Heron 's problems can be solved by the same process .
10 Then we went in to Hamish and Tone 's for tea and apologies , and later drove to the castle for what would have been the most excruciating interval of my life if Verity and Lewis had still been there , but they were n't ; they had taken off in the car to visit some friends of Verity 's who lived in Ardnamurchan , and would n't be back until late tomorrow at the earliest .
11 ‘ The teachers said she would be the oldest in the nursery and would n't be with her peer group , ’ she explained .
12 And I knew you liked city life , and would n't be happy in the country . ’
13 She was suddenly far too aware that they were alone and would n't be disturbed until morning , too aware that the man whose overpowering masculine strength filled the room was her husband and had certain rights , too aware that the last frail layer of her protective façade had been shattered forever when she had wept in his arms and let him comfort her .
14 If there was trouble he 'd have to spend the rest of the day putting it down and would n't be able to get on with the arms search at all .
15 And would n't be moved .
16 His mouth closed swiftly over her anguished lips , to reassure her that his need was real and would n't be snatched away from her in a punishing gesture .
17 Production day supervisor Bob Hodson illustrated the point : ‘ ICI phoned earlier to say the tanker with the morning delivery of phenol had broken down on the motorway and would n't be here until four o'clock .
18 Bob and I had all sorts of schemes for us all to meet , including asking you to come to Edinburgh as a halfway house , but we realised that actually that is rather more than halfway for you , and would n't be at all easy .
19 If I stood up on the walkway , I thought , I could probably stretch up and touch the ceiling , but would n't be able to reach the hole .
20 The Minister announced increased anti-pollution grants available to farmers , but would n't be drawn on their likely success .
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