Example sentences of "[coord] would you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He recognizes her but how , how many er , let me put it this way , if the police came to your house to talk to your mother , would you expect them to recognize her , or would you expect him to say , oh my God they 've come ?
2 Or would you want to shy away from everything that was unpleasant or difficult ?
3 Or would you tell them in no uncertain terms to leave immediately ?
4 Yeah if I said do three add five would you actually do that would you do three add five or would you do five add three ?
5 really the bottom line or would you do you
6 Or would you dispute that ? ’
7 Or would you honour him in that style … one day ? ’
8 When can the pictorial depiction of the sexual act be called art — or would you ban it completely ?
9 Would you give them a hundred thousand pounds worth of life cover for a shorter period , looking at them making up the difference perhaps later when they could afford it , or would you give them initially a reduced amount of life cover , say eighty thousand , for the eighteen years ?
10 Or would you prefer a return to high taxes and secondary picketing ?
11 Would you prefer to have another election so that one party could obtain an overall majority or would you prefer some kind of arrangement between the parties so there would not have to be an election for a number of years ?
12 Shall I kick this one off , or would you prefer to ? ’
13 If you are touring down a remote gorge do you choose a technique which gives maximum force and a high risk of injury or would you prefer a slightly less powerful stroke and a reduced risk of shoulder dislocation ?
14 Which words might be stressed to indicate , ‘ Or would you prefer jelly ? ’ ,
15 Or would you prefer to venture on horseback through some of Europe 's most dramatic mountain scenery ?
16 Now what was it , I mean or would you prefer anything else ?
17 ‘ Well , shall we go through or would you prefer a drink first ? ’
18 Or would you prefer a higher salary all the year round ?
19 In practice if there are beneficiaries who are capable of being consulted , it 's likely that one will say to those beneficiaries Right we need to raise some money , there 's only the shares to do it with , we 're proposing to sell them do you agree with that or would you prefer to have the shares and gives us some money ?
20 Or would you prefer me to stick to words of one syllable ? ’
21 Do you feel that works , or would you prefer a union set up ?
22 Do you want to explain it — or would you prefer that I pack my bag ?
23 ‘ That 's interesting , ’ I said I 'll make some tea , or would you prefer coffee ?
24 So should voters , it would be rather absurd I think , well Mill thinks , that if jurors were expected to come to a decision on the basis of what they would prefer , would you prefer this person to be sent down or would you prefer them to get off .
25 Or would you prefer cocoa ? ’
26 Or would you prefer tea ? ’
27 Or would you prefer something stonger ? ’
28 Or would you prefer to try your luck up in the Gallery ? ’
29 a good choice for instance , right , all you say to somebody is do you prefer the traditional right or would you prefer the modern styles , right in other words would you like Georgian or would you rather have leaded
30 Would you like us to do that for you free of charge ? or would you prefer to pay one thousand five hundred a year to a management consultant ?
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