Example sentences of "[coord] which be [adj] " in BNC.

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31 This question was the principal focus of Obair 's first Briefing Paper on the Making Belfast Work initiative which we issued last September ( and which is available at this conference ) .
32 Why do they differ and which is best ?
33 It is aisleless , cruciform and the nave is of the twelfth century with three large domical vaulted square bays in ashlar construction and is very wide , having a vault spanning 54 feet and which is 80 feet high — a remarkable achievement for so early an example .
34 For the moment we have to charge the fee , we can not waive it , but we have to charge it , but we have to charge it at the level that is set by the government and which is subject to review and er and er Mr has , has drawn our attention to has recently been increased .
35 The guidebook which every Madeiran quotes and which is invaluable if you want to go levada-trekking is Landscapes Of Madeira ( Sunflower ) by English couple John and Pat Underwood .
36 FLORA Thompson enthusiasts might like to know about a reprint of a 56-page guide of Liphook written by her and which is certain to become a collector 's item .
37 Also , the centre of figure of Venus is offset from the centre of mass by only about 400 metres , a far more Earth-like than Mars-like amount , and which is consistent with an interior sufficiently warm to eliminate any lopsided density distributions .
38 It has been suggested that the magnetic field observed outside Mercury and which is consistent with an interior dipole source , arises instead from magnetized rocks near the surface , which happen to produce a net field which mimics that of an internal dipole source with the observed and expected low inclination with respect to the spin axis .
39 And which is natural because you know , the very early motor cars were only a sort of toy for the rich as it were and er when it came to you see er grocer 's vans or , or er laundry vans made out of old pr private cars .
40 ( a ) a watch ( showing the same time as the examination room clock ! ) ( b ) a stop-watch capable of registering up to 30 minutes ( c ) several sharpened pencils , both hard and soft ( 2Bs should always be carried and harder ones can be used for more delicate sketching ) ( d ) a bunch of coloured pencils or coloured ball-point pens ( e ) a pencil sharpener ( f ) a pen with which you are familiar and which is comfortable to the hand .
41 He wanted to make another attempt at the kind of theatrical work with which he had experimented in Sweeney Agonistes — a verse drama but one in which the verse seems the natural expression of modern life , and which is able in a heightened or symbolic context to employ the tones and inflections of ordinary , contemporary speech .
42 There is an overall cut-off point for any proceedings to be brought and which is ten years after the " relevant time " .
43 Ideally , a stylometric test of authorship should be a feature which is characteristic of all the known works of a particular author and which is unique to his works .
44 Another type of pattern that always makes me think carefully about how I 'm going to position it is one with a vertical element and which is asymmetrical for example pattern 4–29 ( Fig 6 ) .
45 And I can do nothing for you because I 've come to rescue and seek that which is lost , and which is aware of it .
46 And which is different for today , but that that was what really happened .
47 It will be a neo-Fordist world in which the priorities of the Fordist era will determine the way in which new information technologies are utilised — a world in which the priorities are military spending and private consumption , and which is energy- and transport intensive .
48 In constructivism we view the organism-environment dyad from the outside and ask how it might be possible that an organism which has input systems and which is active could ever come to know that the environment exists .
49 He has not turned up for the past two meetings of the Supreme National Council , which he chairs and which is supposed to govern Cambodia , in conjunction with the UN , in the period up to the election .
50 Well I went out once last year , you see , and I was lucky enough but and for years and years and years I took Fynnon Salts and which is supposed to be good for rheumatism .
51 And now here we are again with yet another wonder miracle drug , which they say has got no side effects and which is wonderful and is gon na make all these people really happy
52 in such a condition , there is no place for industry ; because the fruit thereof is uncertain : and consequently no culture of the earth ; no navigation , nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea ; no commodious buildings ; no instruments of moving , and removing , such things as require much force ; no knowledge of the face of the earth ; no account of time ; no arts ; no letters ; no society ; and which is worst of all , continual fear , and danger of violent death ; and the life of man , solitary , poor , nasty , brutish , and short .
53 It 's easier to prevent the escape of the internal noise which you create in your own home , and which is liable to annoy your neighbours , than it is to prevent noise entering your house from outside or from next door .
54 This time the inspector is clearly associated with the authority that employs the teacher , and which is responsible directly for the quality of the education in the school .
55 Since it is admitted , or rather insisted , that as far as you are concerned there could be no difference between the hypothesis that you are currently sitting reading and the hypothesis that you are a brain in a vat being fed the experiences of one sitting reading , then it can not matter to you which is really true and which is false .
56 In summary , the fee arrangement which you have proposed and which is acceptable to me is as follows :
57 The third is to provide continuous background ventilation which does not adversely affect the comfort of the occupants and which is secure against intruders .
58 Here is a boxful of tiny poulpes , a variety of squid which never grow big and which are exquisite fried crisp in oil .
59 In the standard Keynesian view of macroeconomics such a policy will soften the fluctuations in real output and other real variables to which any economy is prone and which are due to fluctuations in private-sector spending .
60 Anyone interested in taking part should acquire a copy of the extended notes compiled after the first session and which are available from Hilda Hewitt .
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