Example sentences of "[coord] say it have " in BNC.

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1 And what would you do if someone were to break down those pillars , Shae — scream and protest and say it had all been done against your will ? ’
2 Look Ralph erm if , if you do n't mind me saying can you remember if you do this could you just give me a ring and say it 's done , if not Sid come down in the morning .
3 DEC 's demonstration showed it running with 256Mb internal and 852Mb disk , and says it had it running with 4Gb external in the labs .
4 But the group saw its gross margin rise from 49 p.c. to almost 52 p.c. and says it has seen a ‘ healthy improvement ’ in new year trading .
5 Ask Computer Systems Inc has expanded its Manman/X business information system to include support for the Oracle database and says it has signed a worldwide pact with Oracle Systems Corp to become an Oracle Business Alliance Partner : the two will continue to offer their respective products directly to mutual customers , and maintain separate but co-ordinated support staffs .
6 Morpho supplies fingerprint identification systems worldwide and says it has converted more than 12m fingerprint records .
7 SunSoft has also lined up several large US distributors namely Ingram Micro Inc , Merisel Inc , Tech Data Corp , Access Graphics Inc and Gates F/A Distribution Inc to peddle it and says it has authorised over 2,000 US resellers to handle the product .
8 Ontos claims some 500 installations worldwide , 70 in the UK , and says it has no plans for an initial public offering in the current economic climate .
9 Initially it is likely to get the Sbus versions of Freedom out into the Sparc-compatible market , and says it has already been approached by several of those suppliers .
10 SunSoft has also lined up several large American distributors namely Ingram Micro , Merisel , Tech Data , Access Graphics and Gates F/A to peddle it and says it has authorised over 2,000 US resellers to handle the product .
11 Amdahl claims 60 existing customers of UTS on 5995s , and says it has n't lost a single customer to downsizing — strange given that it is talking up its Sparc systems as rightsizing tools .
12 Microsoft Corp has been banging the drum for its forthcoming Windows New Technology operating system in Europe and says it has won ‘ broad support ’ for it from ICL Plc , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG .
13 But yesterday Forum rejected the criticism and said it had put seven names to Mr Adamec for the cabinet posts .
14 Mr Tutton blamed it on a type of narrow laser beam used in early operations and said it had not been a problem for the British patients .
15 While S & N has announced itself ‘ perfectly happy ’ with the way things have gone since the switch and said it had been successful , some observers are convinced that operating costs have increased substantially and cite political rather than cost or environmental reasons behind the decision .
16 They looked at the law and said it had been broken .
17 But the STUC also voiced disquiet about the way last Monday 's picketing was handled by police , and said it had secured a pledge that policing would now be ‘ even-handed ’ .
18 The committee welcomed the police 's higher profile and said it had improved the image of Darlington town centre .
19 Mr Maclean dismissed that as highly speculative and said it had no connection with the draft authorisation under consideration by HMIP .
20 The BBC had no comment to make about the deepening row and said it had no knowledge of any plans to oust him .
21 THE Indian government defeated an opposition censure motion in parliament yesterday and said it had vital evidence to identify those responsible for a series of bomb explosions in Bombay .
22 A spokesman said they had been overwhelmed by the number of applications when the new disability living benefit was announced and said it had taken longer than anticipated to sort out .
23 Sun currently offers Insignia Solutions Inc 's SoftPC emulator , but says it has ‘ had demand for accelerated versions of that . ’
24 Sun Microsystems Inc , which takes 70% of Cypress ' current generation of Sparc 2 products for its existing workstations and servers , was at the roll-out to endorse HyperSparc , but says it has no plans , as yet , to use the 64-bit technology .
25 AN official inquiry confirmed yesterday that French journalists and lawyers had been subjected to telephone tapping under President François Mitterrand but said it had not yet determined who had ordered the bugging .
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