Example sentences of "[coord] say [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 In the Politburo Nguyen Van Ling is expected to stay on as secretary-general , even though he is 75 and said to be in poor health .
2 I had always believed everything he did and said to be sincere and genuinely personal , but gradually small cracks began appearing in his carefully constructed persona and well-tended integrity .
3 Today , the Daily Mirror reveals the contents of a letter written on what appears to be Buckingham Palace notepaper and said to be from one official to another .
4 These cards , rumoured to be of his design , and said to be blessed by virtue of that design — psychically imbued with his influence — also sieved .
5 The deputy judge had before him a probate action in which the first defendant , Mr. Clive Smith , sought to obtain probate of a manuscript document bearing the date 18 April 1986 , and said to be a testamentary disposition made by the deceased , Mr. Percy Winterbone .
6 He could remember how his father had said that he need bow his head to no man in Ireland , save the High Queen , and he could remember how he had laughed , and said to be sure he would call no man master , and certainly no woman either .
7 La Rive restaurant has been doubled in size and is served by an award winning kitchen , designed by British consultant Ken Winch , and said to be seven years ahead of anything else in Holland .
8 Those detained in Navarre and said to be members of the Vizcaya commando included two leading members of the local branch of HB , Juan Carlos Pérez Ojuel and Rosa Mari Echave Díaz .
9 Constitutional provisions for the rights of Romanies , the subject of a recent Helsinki Watch report alleging discrimination and said to be Slovakia 's second-largest minority after Hungarians , were welcomed by Alojz Pompa , chairman of the League of Romany Unity , in a radio interview on Sept. 4 .
10 Now the hurricane 's on its way inland and said to be dying down .
11 Today , the plucky youngster was sitting up in bed and said to be ‘ improving ’ at Alder Hey Childrens ' Hospital , Liverpool .
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