Example sentences of "[coord] say [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
2 As enforcement of water pollution regulations places demands on polluters of time , manpower , and money , one of the basic premises informing routine pollution control work is the assumption that every discharger has a substantial economic incentive to evade enforcement : ‘ Everyone will try to get out of it , or say it was n't them . ’
3 Or say there 's more than one person working on a project .
4 Fathers too may respond in a positive way , but I definitely felt that fathers tended to have a more extreme reaction of anger of hurt , or said they were ashamed of their daughter , and felt let down , and some refused to speak to their daughters for days or weeks .
5 This special defence does not extend to anything written or said which is not relevant to the discharge of the duty or the exercise of the right which creates the privilege .
6 Or said he was : told Luke that .
7 Yeah when he 's eighteen but the trouble is I do n't know what 's happened I 've lost , I suppose mum 'll have to do it because erm Tom has sort of cut him out , or said he was going to cut him out , but I think
8 Although most girls ca n't wait to leave the home for their own place to do their own thing , some always come back to show what they 've achieved , or to say it was n't so bad in the home after all .
9 Then , opening them again , she resumed her earlier apologetic furtiveness and , like a nocturnal animal twitching before a predator , begged her sister not to laugh , not to make fun of her , not to comment straight away or say she was an idiot or slap her down , but please , please , to let her have her dream about him just for a night .
10 I 'm going to phone the Rotunda and say we 're bringing her in now . ’
11 They should be doing that work , if they 're asking us to design a remit , price it and then they 're using that remit to get prices from other people , er I would suggest that , that we perhaps ought to have words with our clients on that basis a and say we 're quite happy to tender in competition but erm i you ought to give it a little bit of thought before you actually put the thing .
12 Could have said , if if if the finances of that , depends on selling alcohol , then , I think it 's time Norwich City Council made a stand , and say we 're only going to sell non-alcoholic drinks .
13 Erm , we also , again I mean , as you say , we always look at ourselves and say we 're the best team in the company .
14 You can use your factor tree and then you can combine them in sets and say we 're gon na have two times five times three .
15 And say we are coming in no time at all . ’
16 which one identifies , there 's a kind of feeling erm you know , we 're , we 're the members and there 's something special about us and er at the best we 're sorry for the non-members , we 'd like to have more of them and so we might proselytize and preach the gospel , you know you know throw away your idioms , become or in the worst possible way we might be an exclusive group and say we are , we are erm special , we are we , we know the truth and everybody else is infidels and you know they should be killed or driven out or or in some ways discriminated against because they 're wrong and we 're right .
17 Choking back his disappointment after his own team 's splendid wins against Liverpool and Aston Villa , he said : ‘ I 've got to be humble and say we were beaten by a very good side .
18 But I was thinking if we you know , if I knew sort of what the sort of philosophy was behind it I might be able to incorporate that into , the office meetings and say we were having team briefings .
19 ‘ We have not played well enough in any department and we have got to hold our hands up and say we were not good enough .
20 and then we started speaking to this chap and say we were looking for this place where the erm , they sell all this food and so on , what 's the name of the place , he said oh he says it 's finished , so he said you know where the er , we said er where 's somewhere good you know to , to go and have a nice sleep , and he told us about that place up the mountain where we went , where we all went the last time
21 if you 'd of gone to them for advice and say which is the better buy , which will was wash better and why , you know , I want I want
22 Dumenil fund managers have called in accountants Touche Ross to investigate the pricing problems and say they are ‘ optimistic ’ that they will be resolved within this time frame but are giving ‘ no guarantees ’ .
23 Thus those within the sector will wish to pay particular attention to what the sector 's players say , do , and say they are going to do .
24 The peace activists hope to stop a nuclear convoy leaving the base , and say they are prepared to go to jail for their cause .
25 Sensations of white , for instance , are classed together , not because we can take them to pieces , and say they are alike in this , and not alike in that , but because we feel them to be alike altogether , though in different degrees .
26 He held his hands up and proclaimed : ‘ I do n't want to get into a big row over this and therefore I wo n't offend Woman 's Own Own and say they 're wrong .
27 It gets a little more difficult when eight-year-olds who 've seen me handling Dawn wander up and say they 're going to get a barn owl and train it .
28 Two erm erm in some areas erm people are just bloody minded and say they 're gon na vote one way the oth the other .
29 Sometimes I get very cross with the patients , sometimes they , when you 're on call , they ring you up at three in the morning and say they 're constipated !
30 They 've doubled the Banbury to London service and say they 're faster and more reliable .
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