Example sentences of "[coord] we [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 The Oil War was costing us a billion dollars a day , and we already had more than four hundred and twenty-five thousand men in Saudi Arabia .
2 But Mr Taylor said : ‘ The PFA have to look after their own affairs and we already have Professor Sir John Wood in that very role .
3 I 'm only interested in players better than those we 've got , and we already have very good players .
4 If further research shows that some of these patients are clinically gluten sensitive ( and we already have some evidence to support this ) , then by implication , the previous definition of coeliac disease ( a flat mucosa ) may have excluded up to half of symptomatic patients , referred for jejunal biopsy , who would benefit clinically from a gluten free diet .
5 His widow said yesterday : ‘ Money started coming in for a Denholm Elliott Project without me appealing for it and we already have several thousand pounds from British donations as well as £5,000 from Ibiza , where we lived .
6 And we rarely have roast beef . ’
7 And er until it became the time when the thing got smaller and smaller and we finally had to do away with that place .
8 A deadline was set up but it has come and gone and we no have no alternative but to reclaim the shares and place them back on the market .
9 If the change in state is isothermal then — U = 0 and we again have a perfect differential form for but the strain energy function is now not equal to the internal energy U but to the Helmholtz free energy A = U — TS .
10 And we even had one where they paid a ten p deposit on a can so they paid forty p instead of thirty or whatever .
11 Rovers suffered from something of a fadeout and we even had a number of home fans who felt inclined to boo .
12 It was a particularly testing time at British Steel as we were still engaged in the major retrenchment exercise and we also had the very difficult task of keeping the steel mills operating during the miners ' strike .
13 And we also had a fear that , with different disciplines and different dioceses and parishes , that could be a recipe for chaos and confusion .
14 Roby and Pat were behind us and we also had support from Nick Raynsford , Martin Jackson , David Nicholas , the editor of ITN , Harry Conroy , the General Secretary of the NUJ and several members of the House of Lords .
15 And we also had a swimming pool about , a small swimming pool .
16 and put it down , it , on the kitchen floor of this place , and in the , our sitting room we had a carpet it was er a carpet of David 's mother 's actually , but it covered the entire sitting room and it looked rather nice you know , because it was a big room and we also had a carpet of sorts in the bedroom .
17 The week with Richard was a very happy one , and we also has a most enjoyable week near Muir of Ord , a weekend in the Lake District with Rob and Joyce , and sundry visits to them and from them .
18 Britain has proportionately the largest prison population of any Community country — and we also have more prisoners serving life sentences than the rest of the EC combined .
19 And we also have Monsieur Tran Van Lung here to thank , do we not , for reminding us of the great and unshakable dignity of the Orient . "
20 And we also have paid for the reconnection fee .
21 And we also have given out food erm and money for food .
22 But Willaert is well represented in Musica nova accomodata per cantar et sonar sopra organi et altri strumenti ( Venice , 1540 ) , and we also have a number of his three-part ricercari , notably eight in a collection of Fantasie et rechercari a tre voci accomodate da cantare et sonare per ogni instrumento ( Venice , 1549 ) , in which Rore is also represented .
23 And we also have one or two gentlemen who just like the convenience of being able to place a ‘ standing order ’ , as it were , for their wives ' anniversaries and birthdays .
24 Maastricht is in prospect and we also have the Madrid conference .
25 Speaking of the challenges facing the service , Hartlepool 's superintendent registrar Peter Spires , said : ‘ New technology will have an enormous impact and we also have to consider the Government white paper on the service . ’
26 In Oxfordshire with regard to drug misuse , well , as it says in this report er the main drug of misuse is alcohol , and we also have quite a problem with minor tranquillizer dependents .
27 ‘ At times , we lost faith in our fellow man , and we just had to come here .
28 And we just had n't the time to do both .
29 There was some of them billeted in private houses , and we just had a two r bedroom house out at Whale Park a Peedie bungalow .
30 Well it 's a big pile and we just had to go
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