Example sentences of "[coord] we [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Or we cuffed them under their chin — and after about half a dozen times , they never stopped there again .
2 ‘ Confess your sins , Muslim dogs , ’ said the Bosnian refugee , in slightly cautious tones , ‘ and become Christians , or we slash you up ! ’
3 ‘ Either we terrorise them into submission , or we abandon them to the vacuum of a permissive existence .
4 You know , but we 're ever so excited it because we 've sold some , or we get him a , and we get excited by this , and he knows we 're after that .
5 I mean that 's our — we design books , and we design journals , and we set up and we take on new journals and can we ever extract any copy from the editorial board — we know it 's going to be about Plant Sciences , but no idea what length of headline and how much technical gump is going to go into it , or we take something on
6 Or we take our custom elsewhere .
7 You know , I mean we revert a lot of trade here to next day , so the quality of service has got to be good or we lose them .
8 In summary , if we keep the horse 's anxiety down ( as well as our own ) things will be better next time ; and if we let the horse blow its mind with anxiety , or we lose our own temper , no one will even want to try again , and definitely not the horse !
9 George Orwell , for instance , had written in 1940 , ‘ Either we turn this into a revolutionary war , or we lose it ’ .
10 If the horse is thumped by the farrier , or we belt it with a cane , the horse is likely to become so upset that the chances are we will never be able to shoe the horse !
11 or we block it out :
12 Give us £23m or we blow you up
13 Or we make our own .
14 Yes , but very restricted erm in other words if you look at the history of Kuwait for the time that we received or we got our independence , we had to start our nationalisation process as an independent country .
15 And we made within two minutes to sort out what we were going to , or we decided what charity first , then we decided two would decide on the script while the others cut out relevant pieces that we thought might be useful words .
16 Well , I decided really , or we decided I suppose to er link it to the festival .
17 ‘ Either you join us and help us to survive or we leave you .
18 ‘ Prince ’ is not so much a person as a persona , a space , in which he can become anything he or we want him to be .
19 It 's a question of whether we adapt to their structure or or we have our own structure
20 If you 'd been working with this angle instead , we did n't know that and we 're trying to work with this one or we say we 're interested in this angle so that will be the opposite and this would be the adjacent .
21 We either say we are serious and look for ways to achieve that or we say we 've failed .
22 But if we do not think that , er or we think there are possibly problems in in relation to using protective clothing , we will also do that .
23 Either one of two things : either the period of primitive accumulation is taken just as ‘ pre-history ’ ; in which case it has a strict time-limit … or we see it as a process of ousting ‘ third persons ’ in general — in which case the concept itself has to be abolished , since in that case it does not express anything special , specific , etc .
24 or we dream he is a landscape
25 Or we rush one over to her specially , make a special journey .
26 Diana and Mary are both married , and we visit them once a year .
27 Artists understand : objects have a presence for the blind , and their presence is gratifying and we miss it if it disappears .
29 ‘ Every ounce of my body is Co Durham and we miss it very much indeed .
30 We 're precise in our requirements and we commission our design work from some of the best practitioners in their particular field . ’
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